I’m just gonna say it – I don’t usually sit down and write out my intentions for a new season. If you’re the type of person to do that, I applaud you for being so organized and put together. That said, I want to be that type of person. Maybe then, I can enter and exit each season with grace, poise, and less dramatics than I usually put myself through. Because I’m here to share my wellness and glow up journey with you, I want to remind you that it’s a journey and I haven’t reached my Final Form just yet. So whether you’re an intentions-setting queen, or you’re more of a whoops-it’s-already-October kind of gal (like moi), I’m sharing my list of fall intentions with you in the hopes that it can inspire you to set your own.
Let’s make the most of this gorgeous season, and take control over how we spend our time. We get this incredible opportunity to create the life we want every single day, so let’s prepare for it properly.
This fall season, my intentions are focused on creating two primary things for my life: peace and joy.
So grab a pen and paper (or your GoodNotes app, since I know it’s 2024 and that’s the thing to do), and let’s set our fall intentions for peace and joy.
Psst! Save this post so you can look back on it later! ↓

What even are intentions?
“Setting intentions” has always sounded so vague to me. Like, what does that even mean?
Well, intention setting is a conscious act that basically means you identify the things that matter most and deepest to you, and decide what shifts need to occur to prioritize those things.
These intentions are mostly about your internal growth and personal journey, rather than achieving an outer goal like running a 10K or meeting Elon Musk or something.
Your intentions may very well change as you grow and change through the years (or even months), so don’t worry if that happens.
What matters here is that you set intentions that align with your personal values and goals for the way you want to experience your life.
But, how do you set intentions that work for you?
Once I had a better understanding of what intentions are, I dove in a bit deeper to learn how to set intentions that work for me (and will thereby help you set intentions that work for you, too).
Step 1: Figure out (very clearly) what you want
If you’re aiming for something, you gotta know what it is right?
You don’t have to have it all figured out in every detail, but there’s a difference between saying “I want to be happier,” and “I want more time to enjoy the activities and people in my life that make me feel energized and alive.”
Step 2: Focus on the positive aspects of your intention
Using negative language like “Stop” and “Quit” work great when you’re writing a Buzzfeed article or some other sort of headline, but they’re not best for setting intentions.
Instead, use positive language like “I want to prioritize my relationships in this season,” rather than “I will stop waiting 5-7 business days to text my mom back.”
This helps you focus on your desired outcome, instead of focusing on the things you don’t want to to do anymore.
Step 3: KISS (Keep It Simple… Sillygoose)
Let’s not make this complicated – getting super ultra specific is good for setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely).
But when it comes to setting intentions, simple is often better.
Setting simple intentions allows you the creative and flexible space to achieve those intentions however works best for you in this season.
So if your intention is “I will prioritize my self care so I can feel emotionally stable during this busy season,” then you’ve given yourself permission to practice self care in tons of ways that fit you.
You’ll schedule rest days, make time for exercise, say “no” to things you don’t want to do, get 8 hours of sleep, lie in bed reading on Saturday mornings, etc – you’ll be able to do the things that make you feel simultaneously rested and energized.
Setting a simple intention also makes it easy to keep at the forefront of your mind. You won’t have to stop and think, “Wait, what am I supposed to be doing?”
You’ll just recall, “Oh yeah, I’m putting myself first for once.”
Step 4: Write it down
So, even if your intentions are simple and close to your heart, it’s always good to write these things down.
Having a hard copy of your intention right in front of you – on a sticky note on your desk, written in your journal, scribbled in the margin of your desk calendar – it helps you stay focused when life throws you curveballs.
Step 5: Do the things that align with your intentions
Intentions on a page are just intentions on a page if you don’t follow them up with action.
Yes, this is where the work comes in.
This is where you make challenging choices, create boundaries, stay disciplined, and follow through when the time gets tough.
But making those choices to align with your intentions is actually a beautiful thing – they’re the choices that make your intentions into reality.
By keeping your intentions in mind when going about your day, you’ll be doing yourself a favor.
So if your intention is to create more peace for myself, then your choices should reflect that. Wake up earlier so you’re not rushing, stop hanging out with people who stress you out, don’t over-commit to things you have no time for, block off time for you to rest throughout your week, and so on.
5 fall intentions for creating more peace and joy in our lives

Okie dokie smokie, now that you have a better idea for how to set intentions that work for you in whatever season you’re in, let’s talk about these 5 fall intentions to bring you peace and joy.
These are my intentions, but I invite you to adjust/re-write them in a way that better fits your own personal intentions!
Fall intention 1: Embrace slow living
Intention: “This fall, I will slow down and savor each moment, allowing myself to enjoy the beauty of the season without rushing.”
Put it into action: For me, I’m going to send more time engaging in the mindful activities that bring me joy.
Cuddling with my cats, sipping a hot honey latte at home, taking a leisurely walk in nature to enjoy the changing leaves, and creating the coziest version of my bedroom EVER.
More ways you can embrace slow living this fall:
- Create a slow morning routine
- Schedule 1 day a week when you have an open schedule to do whatever you please
- Have friends over for a chill day
- Have a staycation at home
- Bake something delicious for fun, no matter how many hours the process takes
Fall intention 2: Focus on self-care
Intention: “I will prioritize my self-care this fall, nurturing my body, mind, and spirit with kindness and compassion.”
Put it into action: I’m going to take the time for warm Epsom salts baths, using my redlight first thing in the morning, reading my books in the evening for fun, and doing the things that make me feel beautiful and feminine, like painting my nails and doing my face masks.
More ways you can prioritize self care this fall:
- Have a meditation session every day
- Schedule a coffee date with your bestie
- Keep a clean, clutter-free home
- Put your workout routine at the front of your schedule so you always have time for it
Fall intention 3: Gratitude is the attitude
Intention: “I will practice gratitude daily, appreciating the abundance and beauty that fall brings into my life.”
Put it into action: I aim to be more consistent with my gratitude journal, and I’ll be consciously aware of the beauty and little joys I experience every day.
More ways to cultivate gratitude this fall:
- Every time you find yourself in a good mood, take a moment to look around and notice the specifics that helped you feel this way. (Example: the weather, how you’re spending your time, who you talked to today, how you’re feeling in your body, etc.)
- Tell the people you love that you’re grateful to have them in your life
- Make a giant list of everything that makes you happy – big or small. Refer back to this list anytime you find yourself in a funk or feeling down.
- Practice being specific with your “thank-yous.” Instead of just “thanks!” say “thanks for ____, I really appreciate it!”
Fall intention 4: Strengthen the relationships that matter
Intention: “This fall, I will nurture my relationships with loved ones by spending quality time together and creating meaningful memories.”
Put it into action: To follow through with this intention, I want to plan cozy gatherings, like a fall potluck or a movie night, and make an effort to reconnect with my friends and family. I’ll do this in person, phone calls, and probably even some heartfelt letters to those who are farther away and who I don’t usually talk with as regularly.
More ways you can strengthen relationships this fall:
- Have monthly coffee dates with friends you don’t see as often
- Put your phone down when you’re talking with loved ones – give them your undivided attention!
- Get a little vulnerable. Sometimes, the best way to connect with someone is to just be open about where you’re at. That doesn’t mean you have to share some big secret; just share how you’re truly feeling, what you’re excited about, what you’re dreaming about, or any other personal tidbit that lets that person feel close to you.
Fall intention 5: Reflect on my goals and adjust
Intention: “I will use the reflective energy of fall to reassess my goals, release what no longer serves me, and set the stage for a fresh start.”
Put it into action: I’ll take time to review my goals for the year, let go of unproductive habits, and create new, meaningful intentions that align with my current values and desires.
More ways you can reflect:
- Make note of what you’ve done well this year and what areas could use improvement
- Adjust the goals you set for yourself earlier in the year. Check in with what your goals are in this new season and adjust your goals as necessary.
- Make a list of your current habits, daily, weekly, and monthly. Pay attention to the ones that serve you and the ones that don’t align with your goals. Then, adjust accordingly.
You might also enjoy…
- 101 Ways to Romanticize Fall
- How to Dramatically Improve Your Life With These Mindset Shifts
- 7 Mindfulness Hacks for More Peace
- 15 Ways You Can Practice Self Care (Even if You’re Super Busy)
Conclusion: How to set intentions this fall that bring you peace and joy
Okay, let’s do a quick recap of my top tips for setting intentions that align with your goals and values!
- Figure out what you want
- Focus on phrasing your intentions positively
- Keep it simple
- Write it down
- Align your actions and choices with those intentions
And here are 5 fall intentions to inspire your own intention setting this season:
- Embrace slow living
- Focus on self care
- Practice gratitude every day
- Strengthen your relationships with those who matter
- Reflect on your goals and renew
I hope this post has inspired and excited you about your own intention setting this fall!
I know the days fly by and it can be hard to stick to a plan, but setting intentions that align with your values and what you want for your life is such a fulfilling and satisfying practice.
It feels so good to have a direction to head in, especially when you can see yourself getting closer to your personal goals day by day.
Sending you love and good vibes, friend.
Xo Sav