Valentine’s Day is almost here, beautiful friend! Now I don’t know how long you and your boo thang have been together, but I do know that no matter how long you’ve been dating or married, it always feels good when your babe shows you some extra love! So if you’re in need of some Valentine’s Day week activities (ahem–two weeks of Valentine’s Day activities, that is), I’ve got you covered. From February 1 and every day leading up to the 14th, this list of Valentine’s Day romantic ideas will give you 14 days of cute and thoughtful ways to show your significant other how much you love and appreciate them.
These daily activities are designed to be small enough that you don’t have to dedicate an entire day to anything (‘cause I’m sure you’re just as busy with life as I am!), but significant enough to show your feelings and make your boyfriend or girlfriend feel special.
(These ideas are perfect for you to do yourself for someone else, or share them with your significant other as something you’d like to do together. Just let that love flow, bebe!)
Let’s jump into this Valentine’s Day challenge together!
Lookin’ for the best way to spend the days leading up to Valentine’s Day if you’re single? I got you, gorgeous. Head this way for 14 Days of Single’s Valentine’s Day Activities.
14 Days of Romantic Valentine’s Day Ideas for Couples
Need extra date ideas for when you’re in a pinch? Check out these 35 affordable date night/day ideas that are actually fun!
Day 1: Bring them flowers or chocolate
Nothing says romance like flowers and chocolate, right? (Okay, fine, except for having someone stand outside your window with a boombox. That’s peak romance.) Anyway, flowers and chocolate are staples in every cheesy romantic movie, and it’s basically impossible to not have a better day after receiving these things.
I always suggest you spluge for the See’s Candy chocolates because, let’s face it, they are the superior chocolate brand. And, if you’re in need of beautiful flowers that won’t cost you $20 for a few roses, go to Trader Joe’s! They have tons of beautiful bouquets in all varieties for a very affordable price.
For an extra romantic gesture, go to your local farmer’s market together and pick some flowers out there!
Day 2: Leave a love note somewhere they’ll see

Jot down a sweet love message on a sticky note or note card to remind your honey how much you adore them.
You can put it in their lunch bag before they leave for work, slip it in their gym bag, stick it to the bathroom mirror, or–bonus points!– get the coffee maker ready for them in the morning and stick the note on their favorite coffee mug.
Just a few sentences expressing your love is all it takes to totally change your S.O’s mood and make them smile.
Day 3: Do a chore they hate
Valentine’s Day isn’t just about flowers and wine, y’know! It’s also about showing your boyfriend or girlfriend how much you appreciate everything they do.
And, as many women will attest to, few things are sexier than when their man does a household chore without having to be asked.
And that goes both ways! We all love when someone does something to help us out that we didn’t ask for or that they don’t have to do. That’s when you really feel the love.
So on Day 3 of this Valentine’s Day list of romantic ideas, do a chore for your S.O. that you know they hate doing. Wash the dishes, mow the lawn, clean the cat litter, fold all the clothes, do the laundry, vacuum the carpets, or whatever it is that needs doing.
Don’t forget to do it happily. Remember, you love this person and you both choose to make sacrifices 😉
Day 4: Give them a romantic massage
Sometimes, you don’t realize how run down your body gets from simple daily activities! Especially if you and your significant other have physical jobs or like to work out regularly.
A great way to show your S.O. love is to give them a romantic massage that feels great and also increase your intimacy with one another.
Feel free to make it extra special and light candles, use a nice body oil, and play some relaxing music!
Day 5: Cuddle in bed

If you and your babe tend to rush about through your day without spending much time together, you might be neglecting your physical intimacy. A great way to show your partner you love them is to take the time to sit and intentionally just be close together.
Cuddling is 10/10 my favorite way to relax with my boyfriend, and it’s actually a very healthy thing to do psychologically. According to this article, cuddling increases levels of oxytocin (the “bonding” chemical) in the brain. Cuddling also reduces the levels of cortisol (the “stress” hormone) in the brain.
So on February 5, make sure you and your S.O. take time to cuddle each other to better health and a stronger bond.
Day 6: Make their favorite meal
Cooking your boyfriend/girlfriend’s favorite meal is a great way to both serve your significant other and show them how well you know them!
Cook up a special dinner just for the two of you to enjoy together. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy difficult if you’re not a big cook (after all, you want to have fun and not feel overly stressed out!).
But putting in the effort is going to make your S.O. feel so loved and cared for that they won’t mind if it’s not perfect. The point is to try and simply let them feel the love.
Day 7: Bring a special delivery of their favorite drink (coffee, wine, tea)
One of my top favorite things my boyfriend does for me is to come home with my favorite coffee (an iced oat honey + cinnamon latte from our favorite local spot!) or bring home a bottle of red wine after a long week.
And I promise your boyfriend or girlfriend will love the same!
So Day 7 in this list of Valentine’s Day week ideas is to simply surprise your love with their favorite drinky drink–be it coffee, tea, wine, a matcha latte, kombucha, or anything else you know they’ll love.
Day 8: No phones at dinner time!
Remember your first date with your boyfriend? Remember how you stared into each other’s eyes and, y’know, actually paid attention to everything he had to say? Well that’s the key, friend!
Paying attention to your S.O. is so crucial to them feeling important. So on Day 8, make the rule that there will be no using phones at the dinner table. Only talking and catching up, while paying complete attention to each other.
You both deserve to feel like the only person who matters, and the simple act of not picking up your phones at the dinner table is a great way to do that.
Day 9: Do an activity together you don’t usually want to do

Does your boyfriend or girlfriend have an activity they always want to do with you, buuuut… it’s not really your thing?
Maybe they want you to play a video game with them, or they’re always bugging you to join their Crossfit class for a day.
Well, today’s the day. Part of loving someone and being their best friend is putting their needs first sometimes. Obviously it needs to be in a healthy way. I’m not talking about putting your mental or physical health at risk here.
But. Pressing pause on your third time re-watching Bridgerton so you can watch football with your S.O. or letting them pick the restaurant so they can eat their favorite Indian food isn’t that hard!
In fact, the less you like to do that thing, the more love your partner will feel when you choose to do it gladly with them. Trust me.
My boyfriend felt all the love when I let him show me the oldest Godzilla movie known to mankind, and I know I felt crazy love from him when he chose to drive 6 hours with me home to see my best friend get married.
Day 10: Surprise them with breakfast in bed
Once again, don’t freak out if you’re not a good cook!
Surprising your significant other with breakfast in bed can be easily romantic without needing to be Gordon Ramsey. In fact, I’m sure your S.O would rather eat a slightly burnt omelet with you than to wake up and find Chef Ramsey standing above him, dropping f-bombs and holding a perfectly baked quiche.
No, my dear, breakfast in bed can be simple and intimate.
Make an easy breakfast of eggs and toast, or whip up some pancakes from a mix and sprinkle in some blueberries. Pour a glass of orange juice, use a cloth napkin, and put some flower in a vase and ta-da!
You’ve got a gorgeous plate ready to remind your S.O. first thing in the day how deeply you adore them.
Day 11: Tell them verbally how much they mean to you
If you’ve been in a relationship for a while, you’ve probably heard about the Five Love Languages book and concept at one point or another. If you haven’t, I’ll sum it up for you.
The idea is that we all best receive and give love in one or more of five main ways: physical touch (cuddling and kissing), acts of service (chores or helping out), gifts (flowers, little trinkets), quality time (talking together, playing a game), and words of affirmation (using words to express your love).
So, even if your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn’t relate primarily to words of affirmation, one of the most romantic Valentine’s Day ideas you can come up with is to simply tell them how much you love them.
If being emotionally vulnerable out loud is hard for you, it’s okay. I totally get it, and it can be hard to bear your heart sometimes.
But your S.O. wants to hear from you, and even something as simple as looking them in the eyes and telling them why you love them and what you appreciate about them can be a game changer.
Try it, and watch how happy your words make them.
Day 12: Date date picnics are perfect for Valentine’s Day ideas

I love few things in the world as much as I love a good picnic! It’s the best excuse in the book to gorge on finger foods, cheese, snacks, fresh fruit, and chocolate.
All of which makes a day date picnic the perfect romantic idea for Valentine’s Day week!
Get a basket and fill it with sandwiches, cheeses, snack items like nuts and berries, chocolate covered strawberries, some wine, or whatever you and your S.O. love to eat!
Then, head to a local park with a big blanket and some eating utensils for a super cute day date together.
Day 13: Dress up nice for each other, even if you don’t leave the house
It might be one of the simpler Valentine’s Day ideas, but I love getting to dress up in a cute dress or a pretty blouse for my boyfriend. And, I know he appreciates the effort. And vice versa, I always think it’s so sweet when we’re going out and he puts on his nicest clothes for me.
Don’t get me wrong–I think being comfortable with your boyfriend or girlfriend is so important and you should never feel like you have to look or dress a certain way to impress them.
But that’s not what today’s about!
It’s just about putting in some extra effort to give a little spark to your day. Whether you dress up and stay in together to watch movies and eat pizza, or you go out for a date, wear something a little more dressed up than usual and enjoy looking foyyne together 😉
Day 14: Happy Valentine’s Day!
You did it, friend! You made it through 14 days of lovey dovey couple stuff that hopefully has you both feeling closer and more appreciated than ever.
For Valentine’s Day, feel free to go out for dinner! But if you’re anything like my boyfriend and me, the idea of fighting crowds of couples for parking spaces and seats at a restaurant just sounds… overwhelming.
So, if it’s more up your alley, try this.
Cook dinner and bake a romantic dessert together (there are tons of great easy desserts on Pinterest!), and spend intentional time together doing something that makes you both happy.
Do all the mushy stuff—slow dance in the kitchen, cuddle up under the blankets, kiss a lot, joke around, play a funny couple’s game, star gaze outside on your lawn, whatever you want.
Just make sure you enjoy the day together and put your focus on each other. And remember how lucky you are to be a part of each other’s life.
Conclusion to Valentine’s Day Week of Romantic Ideas
That’s the end of this blog post about 14 romantic ideas and activities to do leading up to Valentine’s Day! I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope it inspires you to be your most loving, affectionate, and romantic self.
If this post inspired you, taught you something, or brought a smile to your face, please share it! I deeply appreciate every share and all your support 🙂
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Know someone single or you’re single yourself?
Whether you’re single this Valentine’s Day or you’re in a long distance relationship and don’t want to sit around twiddling your thumbs, this is for you.
Check out my list of 14 Ideas for a Singles Valentine’s Day Week for 14 days of loving YOU.
‘Cause we both know you deserve it 😉
That’s all today, lovely.
Hugs and good vibes,