18 Easy Ways to Dress Classy on a Small Budget

Tell me if this sounds like you: You search high and low in your closet for an outfit that you’ll feel confident and elegant in, but you just find old T-shirts and other things you haven’t worn in years. Then, you scour your wallet to find money for a new outfit aaaand… there isn’t too much there either 😅 If that sounds like where you’re at right now, I can relate. Lately my style hasn’t been cutting it for me. I’m basically always in workout clothes, and when I’m not, my outfits feel thrown together. Like you, I want cute outfits that make me feel more “put together,” but I’m not always down to spend tons of money on designer gear. So I did some research to learn how to dress expensive and classy on a budget, and I’m sharing those tips with you here today!

By the end of this post, you’ll have 18 straightforward fashion tips to help you learn how look classy and stylish without breaking the bank. You’ll also learn some great grooming tips for yourself to help you exude self confidence, so people won’t even question that you know what you’re doing.

By the way…

If looking expensive isn’t something that matters to you, no problem! I for one prefer clothing that lets me express myself more than I want clothes that look designer. This post addresses a very specific style that some women want to achieve.

However you dress, stay true to yourself and to who you aspire to be! Now, let’s dive into my top tips for how to dress classy on a budget.

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Pinterest pin featuring a woman's outfit (white shirt and beige sweater) leading to blog post on how to dress classy on a budget

What does it mean to look classy?

Let me get this out of the way: Looking classy doesn’t mean you have to wear name brand clothes or follow the latest trends. In fact, trends tend to show up and disappear so fast, that you’re almost better off not trying to follow the trends at all.

To look classy means you have a stylish, sophisticated look. It’s the look of someone confident and who holds herself to a high standard.

You want to have a clean, tailored look, but not look like you’re trying too hard or crying out for attention.

What are some common style mistakes that might make someone’s outfit look cheap or cheesy?

One of the mistakes I see people make when it comes to style is simply having poor grooming. If your hair is greasy or is full of split ends, you’re not going to achieve the classic look you want. Likewise, if you don’t smell fresh because you don’t shower every day, or your skin looks dry and ashy, you won’t pull off that classy, sophisticated look.

Other common style mistakes include messy hair or overly cakey makeup; wearing clothes that look tattered, out of style, or don’t fit you well; and over-using accessories.

Pssst! If your closet is a bit outdated or you just want to amp up your wardrobe, check out my post for the best online shops for cute clothes on a budget!

How to look and dress classy on a budget

1. Practice good grooming

Tip 1: Take care of your hair

Woman running her hands through her long hair

Make sure you get regular trims to keep your hair looking healthy and full. Split ends will make your hair look thinner at the ends, and the more your hair breaks off the longer it’ll take to grow.

If you have colored hair, schedule regular touch ups for your roots.

When it comes to your hair style, no style looks any more “expensive” than the others. Let your hair be curly, natural, wavy, or straight. For a while, it seemed that slick, straight hair was considered a classier look. 

Thankfully, that’s not a thing anymore. Rock your natural hair however you want.

My wavy hair care routine to fight frizzy hair

But, do tend to your hair and make sure whatever the style, it’s well kept. For example, if your hair is like mine, it might tend to get frizzy. I recently added this weightless, air-dry friendly leave-in conditioner to my hair care routine, and it’s made a huge difference.

To make my hair as wavy/curly with as little frizz as possible, I have a specific routine.

On wet hair, I apply my leave-in conditioner. Then, I spray on my favorite soft wave texture spray. Next, I apply a small amount of this curly hair gel to help my waves “set.” Finally, I add a little bit of hair oil at my ends to keep them moisturized and soft before I blow dry my hair with a diffuser. This process has majorly helped my frizz go way down, leaving just pretty curls and waves.

Shop my favorite hair products below!

Tip 2: Keep a skincare routine

One of the best ways to look expensive on a budget is to simply have healthy skin. 

To accomplish that, maintain a consistent skincare routine to help your skin stay clear, protected, and glowing.

You can check out my non-toxic skincare routine here. Or, just shop my favorites below!

Tip 3: Keep your nails tidy

For a clean look, keep your nails neat and styled. You don’t need to go to a nail salon for this–a simple nail kit will have everything you need to keep your nails trimmed and shaped.

I also use cuticle gel to clean up my cuticles and dry pieces of skin that build up around my nail bed. If you choose to paint your nails, try not to let them peel off too much before either removing the nail polish or touching them up with another coat.

Tip 4: General grooming is a must

And of course, no one looks extravagant when they’re smelly or have bad breath.

Take showers every day (although you shouldn’t wash your hair every time!) to keep yourself smelling fresh. You can also use a body scrub to get rid of dead skin cells and keep your skin glowing. 

Simple daily grooming like flossing, brushing your teeth, using mouth wash, washing your face, and moisturizing your skin are all essential basics that you can’t skimp on.

For a more detailed body care routine, check out my post on a 6-step body routine for glowing skin.

2. Have a clean makeup look

Like I mentioned earlier, one of the keys of how to dress classy on a budget is a good makeup look. If your makeup looks overly cakey or streaky, you might not achieve that polished look you’re going for.

*Note: I don’t personally believe that wearing makeup is required to look classy. I usually wear mascara, highlighter and blush, and that’s about it–sometimes a little extra if I’m feelin’ it.

The point is, if you are going to wear makeup, make sure it looks neat.

Your makeup routine can be simple or extravagant. As long as it stays in place and complements your features, you’re good to go.

You can shop my favorite minimal makeup products below!

3. Wear tailored clothing

One of the top tips for how to dress classy on a budget is to wear properly fitted clothing. 

Your clothes should be flattering and the correct size for your body type. That’s not to say that your clothes need to be skin tight, and it’s also not to say that oversized clothing can’t look classy. Take it case-by-case and let your clothes highlight your best assets.

And if saving money is one of your priorities (which I’m assuming it is, because you’re reading this post), don’t buy anything that’s too small or too big with the intent to grow or shrink into it.

Shop for the size you’re currently in. Don’t feel pressure to fit into a certain size, just because that’s what size you used to be. Our bodies shift and change allll the time. 

Who cares? It’s just a number on a piece of clothing. What matters is looking and feeling your best. So give yourself the freedom to shop for the size you are. 

4. Choose a neutral color palette

Neutral clothing on hangers

Patterns and color palettes go out of style so fast, there’s no point in trying to keep up with what’s “hot” now.

Pastels are in what minute, and out the next. Floral prints are here for the summer and out for the fall.

Since your goal is learning how to dress classy while on a budget, stay away from most patterned clothing. However, the exception to this is to shop classic prints like plaid, polka dots, stripes, and camouflage. These never really go out of style, so they’re good options.

For colors, stick to a mostly neutral color palette. Blacks, whites, creams, beige and nude shades are always in.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t have color! Add color pieces in shades you know you like and look good in. Just stay away from neons or pastels as they can come and go very quickly.

5. Wear simple accessories

You don’t need huge, gaudy jewelry to look fashionable! In fact, the simpler, the better.

Dainty gold chains, a simple locket or silver initial necklace are all pretty accessories that can help you look classy.

If you do wear a bigger statement piece, make that piece the star of the show. Wear minimalist, non-patterned clothing so your outfit doesn’t look too overstated.

These jewelry pieces from Etsy are perfect additions to a simple yet elegant wardrobe. These pieces will go with anything and add a subtle touch of class.

6. Avoid logos

Do wealthy people sometimes wear clothing or accessories with designer brand logos? Sure.

Is that the best route to go when you’re trying to dress classy while on a budget? Probably not.

Logos are big and loud and ask for recognition. To look composed, yet understated, avoid logos and aim for nameless, clean pieces of clothing.

Avoiding big name brands like Gucci and Prada is also going to save you a lot of money in the long run.

7. Wear sunglasses

Sunglasses make any outfit look instantly classier. Plus, big bonus, they hide the fact that you’re running on 5 hours of sleep, espresso, and a Redbull.

And remember–fabulous looking sunglasses don’t need to break the bank. If you’re spending more than $50 on sunglasses, well… You really don’t need to.

You can opt for oversized cateye sunglasses, half rimmed sunglasses, or a classic, retro pair like these

8. Find the balance between sexy and classy

You can absolutely dress sexy while dressing classy. The key is to not overexpose.

Balance your exposure to make sure you’re getting “the look” you want.

If you’re going to wear something low-cut, make sure you’re not wearing anything too short on the bottom. Or, if you’re showing off your legs, don’t wear anything too revealing on top. 

Choose one or the other to balance out your outfit.

9. Accessorize with structured bags or purses

While I personally find slouchy bags and tote bags to be super cute, they don’t really fit in with the expensive aesthetic.

Instead, opt for structured bags or purses to look more upscale.

You can shop women’s structured purses on Amazon to find affordable options. All are 4 stars or higher and eligible for free shipping.

Choose a purse in a neutral color, like black, tan or beige so it goes with everything in your closet.

10. Invest in your shoes

Woman wearing black loafers, sitting in a chair

Speaking as someone who’s bought a lot of her shoes at Ross over the years, it can be really easy to wind up with a pair of cheap looking shoes, especially when you’re shopping on a budget.

While you don’t need to be the most expensive pair of shoes, I do suggest investing in a quality pair for the budget you have.

Cheap shoes are one of the main things that can give away a great looking outfit, so if you’re looking for the best place to put your money for an expensive looking outfit, shoes are it.

This video from Audrey Coyne highlights the top 8 reasons your shoes might look cheap. I learned so much from watching this video, and I’ll sum up a few of her main points to point you in the right direction.

  • Find shoes that are nicely shaped and come with some sort of padding or heel.
  • If your shoes are completely flat (like the ones you find at Forever 21 or other cheaper clothing stores), then your shoes will look more low-cost. 
  • Choose shoes made with a thicker material so you can’t see the whole outline of your foot when wearing them.
  • Avoid anything with visible glue spots, loose threads, obnoxious buckles or chains, and faded looking colors.

If you’re not sure if a buckle or adornment looks cheap or expensive, just follow this rule of thumb: The simpler, the better. 

11. Choose a signature scent

Since your goal is to dress classy on a budget, a simple tip to add a touch of elegance is to choose a signature scent. Incorporate it as much as possible so most of your products smell similar.

For example, if you want to smell like jasmine you can use a jasmine body wash, shampoo/conditioner, body scrub, deodorant, and body mist.

When you have a subtle scent that lingers all day, you’ll seem more put together and polished.

12. Prioritize quality

Spending a bit more for quality clothing and accessories might seem counter-intuitive if you’re shopping on a budget, but hear me out.

The higher quality, the longer your items will last. So instead of having to buy yourself a new coat every winter because you bought a $30 jacket from somewhere online, buy the $50 jacket from a higher quality store that will be much more durable.

It’s so tempting to shop cheap options and think you’re saving money, but I like to focus on the long term effects. 

Not only will you save money by not needing to replace your wardrobe every season, but you’ll accomplish that expensive look you’re going for. No one said you need to own 5 different coats–just own one really gorgeous coat that goes easily with the rest of your closet!

13. Be choosy with your knock-offs

Once upon a time, I found a pair of white boots at Ross that looked remarkably like Doc Martens. I was so excited, because I’d been dying for a pair of Doc Martens, but I couldn’t afford them.

I tried the knock-offs on in a hurry and brought them home… Only to discover one of the boots felt much more snug than the other, even though the sizes were the same.

And that’s the story of how I ended up wasting about $25 on a pair of boots that are still sitting a bag, waiting to go to Goodwill.

The moral of the story is this: A good dupe is a treasure and totally worth it. But a lot of dupes just end up duping you. 

Choose wisely so you don’t end up like me–with an uncomfortably squished right foot and out $25.

14. Opt for natural fabrics

Natural fabrics are an easy way to look more upscale. Not only that, but natural fabrics last longer and fit your body better.

Cheap materials like rayon and acrylic don’t hang off you as well and look fake.

Expensive looking fabrics like cotton, linen, silk, wool, cashmere, leather, suede, tweed are best.

Polyester is one of those neutral fabrics that should be evaluated case-by-case to decide if it looks expensive or cheap.

15. Keep your clothes wrinkle free

This is a simple tip to immediately improve your appearance.

Wrinkles give off the impression that you’re disorganized and unkempt.

To avoid wrinkles, make sure you have enough space in your closet so your clothes aren’t squished up against each other. If you need help, read my post on how to declutter your closet without being wasteful.

And when your clothes do get wrinkles (‘cause let’s face it, wrinkles are just part of life), all you need is a good steamer or iron to smooth things out. You can get a great portable steamer for an affordable price to easily give your outfits an upgrade.

16. Invest in high quality basics

woman in white blazer drinking a champagne

When it comes to clothing, your basics might vary a bit depending on where you live, but they’re generally similar.

For instance, if you live in sunny SoCal like I do, you might have more need for summer clothes basics than winter basics, like a trench coat. But if you live somewhere colder, you may need a good scarf instead of summer dresses.

Wherever you live, it’s best to invest in some high quality basics. These will be your go-to pieces that are suitable for most occasions, and by prioritizing the quality of material, you ensure your outfits will look upper class.

According to one fashion article, your basics might include:

  • Classic trench coat
  • Little black dress
  • White dress shirt
  • Black pumps
  • A blazer
  • Brown loafers
  • Great pair of jeans
  • Denim jacket
  • Casual breton top (stripes)
  • Wrap dress
  • Statement scarf
  • Black dress pants
  • Simple v neck shirt
  • (faux) leather jacket (in black, dark brown, red, or white)
  • Classic handbag

But these are subject to you and your preferences. I probably don’t have much need for a pair of brown loafers, but they’d make a great staple in someone else’s closet.

The bottom line is to have plenty of basics that are good quality, classic, and durable. These will help you look rich and classy no matter what your budget.

17. Wear the right type of underwear

I’ll be honest–I don’t think panty lines are the end of the world. But if you want to know how to dress classy on a budget, then choosing the right type of underwear is necessary.

Make sure your bra straps don’t show if you’re wearing a strapless, tank top, or open backed shirt. And if you’re wearing form fitted pants or a tight dress, pick underwear that won’t show through. 

Or, just invest in a really good bodycon-style slip.

18. Have good posture

Good posture is important for a myriad of reasons. It displays confidence, it’s more flattering to your figure, and it’s good for your spine.

It’s also one of the more subtle, yet simple ways to look classy without having to spend a dime. 

If you have trouble with maintaining good posture like I do, try a posture harness or search for yoga positions to help.

Conclusion to How to Dress Classy and Look Expensive on a Budget

Let’s do a quick recap of the 18 ways to look expensive and classy on a budget:

  1. Practice good grooming
  2. Have a clean makeup look
  3. Wear tailored clothing
  4. Choose a neutral color palette
  5. Wear simple accessories
  6. Avoid logos
  7. Wear sunglasses
  8. Find the balance between sexy and classy
  9. Accessorize with structured bags or purses
  10. Invest in your shoes
  11. Choose a signature scent
  12. Prioritize quality
  13. Be choosy with your knock-offs
  14. Opt for natural fabrics
  15. Keep your clothes wrinkle free
  16. Invest in high quality basics
  17. Wear the right type of underwear
  18. Have good posture

And that wraps up this blog post on how to look good and dress classy on a budget!

If this post helped you, inspired you, or made ya smile, please take a quick moment to share it! Every share is deeply appreciated 🙂

Sending your gorgeous self lots of love and good vibes,

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