Tell me if this sounds anything like you: Some days, you’ve got this ‘tude. You believe in yourself BIG TIME. You’re the baddest chick in the room, and you know it. But then… you have other days. The days when you hate what you see in the mirror. When everything you want feels impossible to accomplish. Suddenly, you doubt everything about yourself. If that’s you, let me tell you something: I can relate to you 100 percent. I know what it’s like to feel like a beautiful boss one minute, and like the loser girl in a bad teen movie the next. (Who, as we all know, is eventually discovered to have been totally awesome all along anyway… just like you.) To help you give your self confidence a boost, I’ve created this 30-Day Self Confidence challenge to push you through those lower moments and remind you that YOU are INCREDIBLE.
What you’ll find in this self confidence challenge
In this 30 day self confidence challenge, you’ll find small daily actions to take that challenge your negative thoughts, push you out of your comfort zone, influence you to make decisions based on YOUR desires instead of other people’s, and give you the “permission” you may have been waiting for to like yourself as you are.
That’s why you’ll find such a wide variety of prompts in this challenge! But please feel free to make adjustments to this challenge however you feel necessary. If prompt #7 works better for you on day #13 instead, no pressure! If you don’t like one of the prompts and have a different idea that better relates to you, then fabulous!
Remember. Building self confidence is a very personal thing. You know what you need from yourself. You know the things that you want to work on or learn to accept. Use this challenge as directly or indirectly as you like.
I’m rooting for you, boo!
Let’s get started. I’m feeling confident in you already.
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30 Day Self Confidence Challenge
1. Stand up for yourself.
Being a kind person doesn’t mean you need to let people walk all over you or treat you badly.
Stand up for yourself today and let your confidence grow as you remind yourself that you do deserve to be treated with respect. And you don’t need to settle for less–from anyone.
2. Say “no,” to something you don’t want to do, without explaining yourself.
Grow your confidence today by politely declining something you really don’t want to do… And do it without overly trying to explain your reasoning. You do you, boo.
We tend to make up excuses or create long-winded reasons for why we don’t want to do certain things. Sometimes, we think that “no” simply isn’t good enough.
Sure, there are times when an explanation is helpful and appreciated. For example, if your friend asks if you can drive her to the airport, it’d be nice for you to say “I’m sorry I can’t today! I’ve got too much going on.”
But sometimes, there are people who frankly don’t deserve an explanation. So, if it applies, give someone a simple “no” today instead of following it up with a lengthy explanation.
3. Limit your apologies today.

I tend to apologize for everything. Do you? Grow your self confidence today by refusing to apologize unless you actually do something wrong.
Here are some exaggerated examples of things we apologize for, that we don’t need to:
“I’m sorry for crying/showing any emotion other than complete happiness.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t answer your call in the middle of my very adult and hectic schedule.”
“Sorry my opinion didn’t line up with your opinion and now you’re offended.”
“I’m sorry I stood up for myself and now you’re uncomfortable.”
These are things we don’t need to apologize for. You are entitled to your opinion, emotions, thoughts and feelings. Obviously, don’t use those things as an excuse or rationalization to be a complete jerk, but you don’t need to apologize for expressing those things in a level-headed manner.
One time, my therapist literally gave me the homework assignment of “Don’t apologize to anyone this week unless you intentionally hurt someone.” And it’s actually quite freeing.
So, that’s your assignment too. Today, make a point of apologizing only if you did something that hurt someone else. Sure, you can say sorry even if you unintentionally hurt someone’s feelings. But try not to apologize otherwise.

Grab my easy-to-use
habit tracker printables
Tired of failing to follow through with the promises you’ve made to yourself for the millionth time?
Yeah, so was I. So, I stopped thinking about how I was going to change, and started actively planning and tracking the habits I needed to change my life.
Head to my Etsy shop to buy my Neutral Habit Tracker Printable bundle to start tracking your habits and taking back control of your life.
4. Set an attainable goal for yourself.
Give your self confidence a boost by achieving a goal! You don’t need to make a huge goal like, “I will lose 10 pounds in 1 month!”
Just make a small, attainable and specific goal that will make you proud when you finish. It can be small, like cleaning your room or meal planning for the week.
5. Wear something that makes you feel beautiful, even if it’s not your usual “look.”
Of course, true self confidence is never going to be found in how you look or what you have.
But it doesn’t hurt to like how you look! Wear something today that makes you feel like your best, most beautiful self.
I tend to get a little nervous dressing up because my style is usually pretty laid back, and I don’t want to seem like I’m trying too hard. But y’know what? That’s silly.
You and I should both wear whatever we want and whatever makes us feel our most confident.
6. Start a new hobby and get EXCITED to suck at something new (no expectations!)
Your confidence shouldn’t come from having to be the best at everything. Start a new hobby today with no expectations to do well (‘cause truthfully, you probably won’t!).
Just try it and give yourself permission to suck. Put your focus on the fun and the experience. This will get you out of your comfort zone and prove to yourself that you can feel confident even when you’re not the best.
7. Tell someone how much they mean to you–be honest and hold nothing back.
When you show appreciation for someone else, it’s good for your soul.
It doesn’t have to be romantic. And it doesn’t have to be overly emotional, unless you want it to be! But sharing your feelings of appreciation for someone else is good for both them and you. It shows them they’re cared for, and you feel good too.
8. Start a fitness routine that you’ll enjoy.
Taking care of your body is one of my favorite ways to boost self confidence. You automatically feel sexier when you know you’re taking care of yourself.
You don’t need a six pack to feel good in your own skin.
But prioritizing your body’s needs is good for your mental and physical health.
9. Write down 5 things you liked about yourself today.
Take a few minutes tonight or this morning to jot down 5 things you like about yourself, or 5 things you did well today. That can be as simple as liking your outfit, or noting that you were patient in a situation you would have normally been angry in.
This is a simple way to remind your brain that you’re actually awesome and deserve to say nice things about yourself.
10. Instead of walking with your head down, hold it high and smile boldly at strangers.
Psych your confidence out today by putting on a confident physical display, even if you’re not quite feeling it.
Your subconscious will decide that you do feel confident when you hold your head high, have good posture, and smile more. And as a byproduct, your self confidence will actually grow this way over time.
The classic “fake it ‘til you make it,” is actually pretty accurate when it comes to training our subconscious.
11. Take care of yourself physically today. Rest, stretch, get enough sleep.

Time for a rest day! Take extra good care of your physical needs today.
Eat delicious, wholesome foods that make you feel good and fuel your body. Get enough sleep. Stretch your sore, tired muscles. Take a walk out in the sunlight. Drink lots of water. Enjoy your coffee.
12. Dare to think of yourself as “sexy.” All. Day.
That’s it. That’s the assignment.
As someone who loves Jesus, I used to think that being “sexy” was a bad thing. I even thought that feeling sexy was bad.
Now I know the truth. You can dress as modest as you want and feel sexy. You can wear skin tight or more revealing clothes and feel sexy. And it’s all totally awesome.
Allow yourself to feel sexy today. You don’t even have to change your outfit. Just feel the sexy vibes coming off you. And do whatever promotes that feeling in you. Whether it’s listening to a certain song, wearing your favorite outfit, or going out and doing something fun.
13. Make a list of everything you’re proud of yourself for.
Write down everything about yourself or anything you’ve done that makes you proud. It’s a great reminder for the moments when you forget everything good about yourself.
My proud accomplishments are: 1) I moved to San Diego, 2) I’ve distanced myself from negative people, and 3) I’ve made my fitness and health a priority.
What’s yours? Tell me in the comments! I’d love to hear about it
14. Speak positive affirmations about yourself.
Speaking positive affirmations is a great way to slowly start re-training your subconscious to be more self confident.
Not sure where to start or what to say? Check out my post on 47 Positive Affirmations to Boost Your Self Confidence!
Take a break from counting likes and story views today, and from comparing your real life to somebody else’s filter.
Give your confidence a boost by focusing on the reality that’s here in front of you, rather than watching everyone else’s highlights reel.
No Instagram, no Facebook, no Snapchat. Just you and real life.
16. Talk to a friend who always makes you feel good.
On the days when you’re feeling a bit low, sometimes you just need a friend.
Call up your most life-exuding, positive-vibes-only friend and have a chat. You don’t need to talk about anything too deep. Or, go ahead. It doesn’t matter.
The point is to spend your time with joyful, positive people. The happier you are overall, the more self confident you’ll naturally become.
17. Eat healthy food today; avoid fast food.
Fast food, processed food, foods with added sugar and refined carbs just aren’t the best for you or your body.
Take care of yourself today by feeding your body nutritious whole foods. Be confident in knowing that you’re treating your body right.
18. Give yourself a spa day.
Oh yeah, girl friend. It’s about that time.
Pour the bubbles in the bath, the red wine in the glass, and your heart into whatever book or Netflix show has your fancy. Get real good and relaxed, ‘cause God knows we all need a day to ourselves.
Self care is crucial for mental health, managing stress, and staying positive and joyful. All of which translate into your feelings of self confidence.
So take one for the team and chill the heck out with all your favorite relaxing activities.
19. Write down 3 things that you believe in to your core.
People who are self confident know what they believe in. What do you believe in?
Write down 3 of your core beliefs, just so you have them when your world turns upside down or things get crazy. Then, you still know what you believe in and what’s true for you.
20. Do something you’ve been procrastinating on.

No spa day here, I’m afraid. It’s time to get a little uncomfy.
Go do something you’ve been endlessly putting off.
Apologize to someone, forgive someone else, do that homework assignment, start that business, say that prayer, cut your hair, wash your sheets, delete that boy’s number out of your phone. (For real, do it, it’s super good for you).
Big or small, you know what you’ve been putting off. Now go do it. ‘Cause there’s nothing like handling your business like a boss b to give your self confidence a boost.
21.Offer to help someone in need.
Doing good for other people is good for you too. Bonus points if you get nothing in return, or if they don’t even know it was you who did it.
And no, this isn’t to give yourself a false sense of superiority. Besides it being a good human thing to do in general, offering kindness is a good reminder that you do have something positive to give to the world.
22. Distance yourself from negative energy.
Time to clean out your “emotional” closet.
Make a list of anything or anyone that creates a negative energy in your life, and start to distance yourself from those things or people.
This might be challenging because it’s hard to say goodbye, even to things that make you unhappy! It’s strange, but sometimes we hold onto the toxic cycles and our negative environment simply because we’re used to it. It’s comfortable. We might not be happy, but at least we know what to expect.
But that’s no way to live your life. So, convince yourself to write out a list of those things that bring you negative energy. Start gradually and quietly creating distance between you and those things.
Remember, it’s difficult to find the energy to have self confidence when all your energy is being drained elsewhere.
23. Do something out of your comfort zone.
I don’t care what it is, girl, just get out there and do something totally un-you-like.
Order a different food than you usually do. Go do something social if you usually stay in. Or, choose to spend time alone with yourself instead of going out. Go to the gym alone, or with a friend. Go on a hike. Sing in the car. Dance around your room.
Just live, boo.
24. Own your mistakes.
Taking responsibility for your own actions and your own mistakes is such a good quality to have.
If you mess up today, own it. Take responsibility. Don’t make excuses. This is one of those more challenging, counter-intuitive self confidence boosters, but owning your mistakes is good for your self confidence because it’s you taking a solid stance.
Self confident people don’t hide and they’re not afraid to screw up. They understand they’re human and they’re going to make mistakes like everyone else. It doesn’t change who they know they are.
This will help you become a stronger and more mature person overall.
25. Identify your areas of insecurity, and actively work to grow in those areas.
One of the best ways to boost your self confidence is to improve the areas of yourself that you know you can do better in. And do it in a loving, healthy way.
This is the difference between people who say, “I know I have (insert behavioral issue), but that’s just who I am.” And people who say, “I know I have (behavioral issue), so I’m going to work on it. I know I can do better.”
But this isn’t the time to get negative or self-loathing, friend. Just examine yourself and see where your insecurities lie. What can you do about those things? Are they even something you should be insecure about, or are they things you gotta learn to accept?
And I don’t want you to write down an insecurity “I don’t like my smile.” Nah, your smile is beautiful. Guaranteed. So is your nose, your hair, your body, everything like that.
I mean, think of something you know you could work on or do better. Things like “not get angry so quickly,” “listen better,” “be a better friend,” “take better care of my physical health,” or “stop living my life for other people.”
Be brave enough to face what you know you want to work on, and then actively work on it. Patience and a self loving mindframe are key here.
26. Whatever you feel like giving up on today, don’t.

This might sound vague, but we all have stuff we just “give up” on. Our workout, our healthy eating plan, being patient with our significant other, our to-do list, our positive energy, our ideas for a novel, our new online business.
But refusing to give up and doing hard things is so, so good for your self confidence. Prove to yourself that you can do it.
Today, push through the challenges. When things get challenging today or you hit a roadblock, don’t just give up and say, “Oh well, it’s too hard.”
In today’s culture, we’re learning to be more patient and gentle with ourselves. That is awesome and it’s so good and healthy. But sometimes, we give up a little too soon. We don’t push for what we really want, because it’s uncomfortable in the moment.
Giving yourself grace and patience is definitely a good thing, but we also want to be someone who perseveres when things aren’t easy!
The best things in life are usually pretty tough to get to. If that weren’t the case, then more people would be millionaires with abs of steel, have a loving and beautiful relationship, and know how to cook like Gordon Ramsey.
But all those things and skills are hard to have and super hard to get to in the first place.
With that in mind, push through the hardships today and do the dang thing.
27. Accept a compliment with a “thank you.”
Don’t roll your eyes, don’t try to argue, don’t put yourself down, and don’t compare yourself to anyone else.
No giving in to those exchanges that sound like, “You look so pretty!” “Oh gosh, I look like a potato next to you! You look so pretty!”
Whatever compliment someone gives you today, simply say “thank you!” And go ahead and return the compliment, if ya feel it. But do so without comparing yourself.
28. Make your mental health a priority today.
Today’s the day to put yourself first. Listen to your emotional needs, and follow them.
There’s nothing wrong with not answering the phone, not texting back right away, or just taking some time to yourself to relax.
Take care of you today. You deserve it.
29. Read a motivational book.
My favorite self confidence booster book is You Are A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life. I’ve read it multiple times and always get something new out of it.
Whatever book you read, make sure it’s something that raises your vibe and reminds you how totally awesome and capable you are.
30. Refuse to listen to any negative inner voices.

Our inner voice often tells us not-so-great stuff about ourselves.
If you hear your inner voice doubting you or trash talking you today, take a break from whatever you’re doing to go interact with other people or take a walk in nature.
Or, sit there quietly and gently bring your thoughts back to self love and patience. Replace whatever negative inner voice you’re hearing with your inner “best friend coffee talk” voice.
You know, the voice you use when you’re talking to your best friend over an oat milk latte and she’s sad because she’s having a bad day and you’re there with all your kind, loving and positive-energy-best-friend advice to remind her how awesome she is?
That’s the voice. You deserve to be self confident and to talk to yourself with all the love you lavish on your favorite people. Remember, you don’t need anyone else to boost your self confidence for you.
You just need you.
Conclusion to the 30 Day Self Confidence Boost Challenge
And that concludes day 30 of the 30 Day Self Confidence Challenge! I hope you enjoyed this challenge, that it boosted your self confidence, and found some things that reminded you–yes YOU–are a baddie and YES you are an amazing, beautiful, capable individual. Building true self confidence will take more than 30 days, but over these 30 days you’ve built habits to support your needs, your goals, and of course your confidence.
Keep building on these habits! Don’t try it out and then quit after 30 days. Push through every day and enjoy the journey.
And if you’re wondering, Ok but… what’s next?? Don’t worry.
More resources similar to this self confidence challenge
I’ve got a free download just for you to help build your self confidence! My 10 printable affirmation cards, designed by yours truly, are intended to help inspire your daily affirmations and give you 10 self positive mantras to focus on.
And of course, if you want more than 10, head to my post on 47 Positive Affirmations for Self Love!
You might also enjoy:
- 7 Toxic Mindsets to Release for More Happiness
- 15 Powerful Tips You Need to Overcome Negativity Once and For All
- How to Overcome Failure and Regain Your Self Confidence
All for today, lovely.
Talk more soon.