Okay, tell me if this sounds like you. You wake up, hit snooze like 5 times, rush out of bed, grab a granola bar or scarf down a bowl of cereal, pour your cup of coffee in a to-go cup, and dive bedhead first into your day of to-do lists and adult responsibilities. If that sounds like you, then you sound a lot like me, too. What you and I need, friend, is some peace and joy in our morning routines. Which means, you might be wondering how to create the perfect self care morning routine to have a better day. I’ll be honest–I’m still working on it myself, but I’m slowly figuring out what works for me and what doesn’t.
Let me reassure you that a morning of self care doesn’t require a ton of time sitting in silence, or drinking a green juice, and it doesn’t have to be wild or luxurious or include a $60 tub of eye cream.
And it definitely doesn’t require jogging.
Thank God because I literally hate jogging.
(If you do jog, just know that yes I’m envious of you and yes I’m staring at you in your cute lil running shorts and bouncy ponytail, and yes you look hot. I’m just not personally there yet, OK? But you, babe, are crushing it.)
ANYWAY, your morning routine should be something that brings you a feeling of happiness, motivation, and makes you feel ready to totally dominate the day! Which is exactly what I’ll help you do.
By the end of this post, you’ll have several realistic ideas for a self care morning routine that you can use to inspire your own morning and give you a stress free environment to start your day.
Join the 30 Day Self Confidence Challenge
Before we dive in, if you’re looking to improve your self confidence in a realistic and lasting way, check out my free 30 Day Self Confidence Challenge! You’ll find 30 daily prompts to get you out of your comfort zone, get that confidence up, and start showing the world what you’re made of.
What is the meaning of a self care routine?
Self care is all the stuff that’s good for you. From the fun self care like taking relaxing baths and cuddling up to read a book, to the not-so-fun-stuff like going to therapy and choosing to forgive the crazy humans you inevitably have in your life, self care is needed to keep you well and thriving.
A self care routine is something that you do either daily or regularly that supports your mental health and brings you a feeling of peace, relaxation and fulfillment.
In the case of this blog post, a morning self care routine is what you do first thing in the morning to prepare your mind, body, and spirit to have a fabulous and peace-centered day.
Why is a morning self care routine important?
Having a good morning routine is so, so important because it sets the tone for your day. Having a routine also:
- Gives you structure
- Gives you a reason to get out of the bed in the morning
- Keeps burnout at bay because you’re filling your own mental/emotional cup before trying to fill others’ cups
What can you do in just 5 minutes in the morning to make your whole day better?

If you’ve got a tight morning schedule as it is (mad respect to you, 6 a.m. crew), then maybe you don’t have time for a big hour-long morning self care routine.
No sweat.
Ask yourself, what can I do in just 5 minutes that will make my entire day better?
Then, just take 5 extra minutes every morning to do that thing.
Some positive self care activities that don’t require a lot of time in the morning can be:
- Meditate for 5 minutes
- Set your intentions for the day and jot them down in a journal
- Speak and meditate on 5 positive affirmations
- Write down 5 things you’re grateful for or are looking forward to
- Make a really good cup of coffee or whip up a matcha latte
My personal morning routine
To give you some realistic inspiration, here’s a little peek at my own morning self care routine.
Wake up time
I’ll start by saying I’m really into slow mornings.
If at all possible, I try not to wake up until I get 8 hours of sleep. That means my wake up time varies depending on what time I went to bed the night before.
(Look, I’ll just say it. I’m a night owl. If I go to bed before midnight, it’s a Christmas miracle. I’m working on it, ‘k?)
Then, I brush my teeth so I can get on to my favorite part of the morning: COFFEE.
My healthy coffee routine
My boyfriend and I got this espresso maker for Christmas, and we use it every morning to make americanos or lattes.
To make my cup of coffee extra beneficial, I always add either this superfood mushroom creamer or this collagen and lionsmane creamer to my coffee. I love adding functional mushrooms because they’re so good for your focus, memory, and overall cognitive function.
(And no, neither of these taste anything like mushrooms, promise).
We’re obsessed with these creamers and consistently re-stock every time we run out. I can’t recommend them enough to anyone who needs a little extra goodness in their mornings or wants a healthier creamer.
(If you need more healthy coffee creams, check out my post on healthier coffee creamer alternatives!)
Preparing my mindset for the day

After eating breakfast, I make my bed and either clear off my desk so I can work on my blogging business, or I get dressed to head to my job as a barista.
But first, I pull out my journal and write down 3 things I’m grateful for so I start the day with a spirit of thankfulness. It gets me in a much better mood and puts things in perspective for the rest of the day.
Then, I write down my to-do list for the day to help me see all I need to do. This makes me feel more organized and much less scatter-brained. ‘Cause it’s the scatterbrained days that make me the most grumpy and irritable.
And that’s it! It’s simple, it fits into my schedule, and it’s full of things that make me feel joyful, nourished, and ready for the day.
Now that you know my morning routine, let’s get started on creating yours!
Self care morning routine ideas for a better day
While everyone’s morning routine will look different, I suggest picking one thing from each category: physical, emotional, and mental health. Listen to your gut and pick what stands out to you.
And remember, there’s no harm in switching things up as often as you want! If something isn’t working for you, change it. If you get bored of something or you have less time one day, then swap it for something else!
This is all for you, baby.
Physical self care morning routine ideas
These ideas are meant to take care of your physical needs. Rest, nourishment, energy, and physical wellness are the focuses here.
Drink a giant glass of water.
Drink it before coffee or breakfast to jumpstart your metabolism.
Make a nutritious and delicious breakfast.

Healthy fats, protein, and carbs are all great to nourish your body and provide energy.
Trust me, I wish an iced coffee counted as a nutritious breakfast, but it really doesn’t. Of course, you might be one of those people who just doesn’t love breakfast, so don’t force this one if you’re not hungry in the mornings!
Take a shower (hot or cold)
Hot showers and cold showers are both beneficial, just in different ways.
A hot shower is cozy (obviously) and can help soothe soreness in your muscles.
On the other hand, cold showers will make you up, help circulation, and can ease stress.
Do your skincare routine.
Keep your skin healthy and glowing by keeping a consistent skincare routine. (here’s my non toxic skincare routine!)
A morning skincare routine is great for waking up your face and feeling more refreshed.
Plus, this is the time to add sunscreen as your last step, which will do wonders at keeping your skin healthy and youthful looking in the future.
Use a gua sha, jade roller, or ice roller.
An ice roller can help decrease inflammation, while a gua sha and jade roller improves lymphatic drainage and helps your skincare products to better absorb into your skin.
Stretch or do a mini HIIT workout.
Do a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout, or try a stretching session and finish it about 15 minutes before your shower.
This will get your blood pumping and wake up your body so it’s more alert for the day. And waiting 15 minutes before your shower gives your body time to cool down.
For great HIIT workout inspiration, my bestie Amanda has tons of great ideas you can do in 20 minutes!
P.S. She’s a new mama, so if you’ve got a little kiddo too you’ll find some great motivation and inspiration in her!
Make a delicious coffee or cup of tea.
Remember to slow down and enjoy this time! This might be the only moment you have to relax all day, so breathe, sip, and enjoy.
You deserve this luxury, truly.
And if you want to add some extra energy and focus to your day, you can add my favorite superfoods coffee creamer that I mentioned earlier.
The taste is creamy and delicious, and it’s made with functional mushrooms to improve your focus and memory.
Light a candle or use a diffuser to make the house smell nice.
The smell of scented candles has been proven to trigger the brain and your mood. Why? Because scented candles stimulate the limbic system, which is the part of the brain that deals with our memories and emotion.
For an uplifted or happier mood, try a scented candle with vanilla, lemon, or ylang ylang.
The scent of jasmine can also improve your mood, while also increasing your energy.
For increased focus, peppermint and spearmint are good options.
And if you want a scent that helps fight anxiety, try a candle with lavender, orange, frankincense, or sandalwood.
(Note: If you have an indoor cat, don’t use an essential oil diffuser! Essential oils are toxic to cats and will make your kitty sick.)
Do your hair and makeup if you choose
When you feel good about how you look, you automatically feel more confident. Put the effort into feeling good about yourself, and you won’t be sorry.
I’m a simple girl, so my beauty routine usually involves mascara, some kind of highlighter, a spritz of perfume, and maybe blush if I’m feeling wild.
Take your vitamins.
Self care is just as much about your health as it is about spa days and journaling.
Take your vitamins and supplements to make sure you’re nourishing your body with everything it needs to be healthy and strong.
Emotional self care morning routine ideas
Now that we’ve covered ideas for physical self care in the morning, let’s dive into some self care ideas to nourish you emotionally.
Journal your intentions for the day.
Take a few minutes to jot down your intentions/goals/affirmations for the day. This will put you in the right spot and get your energy ready to hyper focus into whatever you truly want from the day.
Write down 3 things you’re grateful for.
This is one of my favorite morning self care routine ideas, particularly when I’m feeling stressed and irritable.
When you focus on what you have, rather than the things you want or don’t have, you raise your vibrations (not to sound all woo-woo).
By doing so, you welcome in more of that grateful energy and attract more blessings and happiness to yourself.
Give yourself something to look forward to.
When you’ve got a long day ahead of you, having some sort of treat at the end of the day can be really motivating.
And yes, it can totally be a glass of wine that you look forward to, but make sure it’s something else, too!
A phone call with a friend, a movie night with your hubby or boyfriend, a delicious meal, painting your nails, or simply some quiet time to read a book.
Read a motivational book or something that makes you happy.
There’s nothing like an inspiring read first thing in the day to get you hyped up and ready to conquer the world.
The first thing I read every day is one page from The Daily Stoic. It takes anywhere from 20-60 seconds to read, and it gives me the perfect bite-sized piece of wisdom I can take with me throughout my day.
You can check out my other favorite inspirational books to read when I have more than 3 minutes to sit down in this blog post here!
Silence social media.

I’m sure you’re sick of people acting like this is the key to happiness: Just don’t get on social media first thing and you’ll be happy! You’ll be able to quit therapy and finally stop eating your hair!
But really, this advice still merits mentioning.
Social media apps, especially Instagram, are not designed to be relaxing in the least. Staying off social first thing in the day can be one of the best forms of self care.
And since old habits die hard, you can always go into your phone settings and set the Instagram app to not be an option until whatever time you want.
Play some happy morning music.
It’s time for those feel-good tunes, bebe!
Turn it up while you make coffee or do your skincare routine.
That means no sad, moody music that’s going to put you in a gloomy mood before you even walk out the door.
Speak/write down 5 things you like about yourself.
There will be moments throughout the day that cause or tempt you to doubt yourself–your capabilities, your intelligence, your strength, your worth.
Get in front of those doubts with positive self affirmations. Remind yourself of the things you like about yourself.
Call a friend to chat.
Or, call your mom. I always call my mom. I can’t believe she’s not sick of me yet.
Self care morning routine ideas for mental health
And finally, let’s talk about some of the best morning self care ideas for your mental health.
Listen to an empowering podcast or audio book
Look – I’ve tried to get into podcasts. They’re usually not my thing and I have to be in the mood for one.
But I’ve discovered I love listening to a good self improvement book on audio.
So if you have a book you’ve been dying to read, but just can’t seem to find the time to sit still long enough to read it, check to see if it’s available as an audio book!
I prefer listening to my books on Audible, but there are other options out there too.
If you’re on the fence, you can try Audible for free for 30 days here, plus get 1 free book when you sign up for the trial!
Whether it’s a podcast or an audio book, listening to something that motivates and encourages you is a great way to start the day with a healthy mindset.
Sit outside
Spending time in nature is amazing for your mental health, and has been proven to fight depression and anxiety.
If you have a nice front porch or any kind of outdoor seating area, go outside to sit and enjoy your coffee, breakfast, book, etc.
You’ll feel more energized and the sunlight will give your serotonin a happy boost!
Watch your favorite TV show while you drink coffee
Okay, maybe this isn’t conventional advice, but sometimes in the morning you just want to relax!
No self improvement books, no motivating podcasts, no HIIT workouts. You just want to relax and allow your body to slowly wake up.
So go ahead. Turn on Netflix, sip your morning drink, and enjoy.
Set 3 goals for the day and prioritize them.
Write down your top 3 goals for the day, in order of importance. This helps you focus on the tasks you truly need to accomplish, and it’ll keep you from getting distracted with busy work.
And hey, even if you only get the first goal done, celebrate that win!
Adulting is hard, bud.
Move the other 2 goals/tasks to tomorrow’s schedule.
Do a brain dump

You know it and I know it: Your brain is stuffed full of a million things that need to get done.
That’s why a brain dump is the perfect way to figure out your priorities. And if you’re new to the term, a brain dump is basically writing down all your thoughts, ideas, tasks, goals, activities, and literally anything else that’s swimming around in your thoughts.
A brain dump helps with mental health because it creates a hard copy of what’s going on in your head, which you can then use to prioritize and organize your day.
It also helps make those tasks seem less overwhelming.
Write out your to-do list
Jot down everything you need to get done during the day so you can plan your day accordingly.
If you’re someone who gets easily overwhelmed by a busy day, then knowing your to-do list can be super helpful for your mental health.
It makes you feel more prepared for the day, so it’s easier for you to crush your goals with less anxiety.
Plus, this is a great way to make sure you schedule some “you” time to unwind and do some self care.
Pro tip for schedulers (and aspiring schedulers)
Schedule in time for things to go wrong! Planning out each and every activity down to the hour is great in theory, but it doesn’t leave much time for real life curveballs to happen.
Inevitably, you’ll forget a meeting, or your car will need gas, or someone will cancel on you and throw your day into one chaotic moment after the next.
When you include some wiggle room in your day for life-things to happen, you save yourself the hassle and headache of scrambling to get your time back because it’s already been accounted for.
Do some self-reflection
A little reflection is always good if you want to keep making progress.
Take a few minutes to analyze the previous day. Look at what went right, what went wrong, where you could have done better, and where you totally nailed your goals or priorities.
Then, evaluate those observations so you can make the necessary adjustments to make today even more successful and efficient.
Write down 1 thing you want to make sure you accomplish today.
A great tool if you tend to feel like you never get anything done is to simply choose one single thing you want to accomplish during the day.
It can be a workout, a project, an errand, something you’ve been putting off, paying a bill, etc.
Just pick one thing every day that you absolutely need to get done, and make that thing your focal point for the day.
It’s important to craft opportunities for easy wins from time to time, otherwise you’ll end up frustrated and feeling like you’re not getting anywhere.
Meditate for 5-7 minutes
Okay, I’ll be honest–I don’t meditate nearly enough. I haven’t built it into my daily routine yet, so it’s not a habit.
But the times I have meditated, I can attest that it was incredibly helpful for my mental health (albeit a bit frustrating at first).
Try a guided meditation app like Calm to focus your breathing, be present in your body, and slow down your racing thoughts.
Meditation might be one of the very best morning self care ideas for a better day, particularly if you’re short on time and can only spare 5 minutes.
Declutter if your space is causing anxiety

And finally, a messy space really does cause a messy mind. If your space (bedroom, office desk, kitchen, etc.) is a mess, take 15-20 minutes in the morning to straighten it up.
The cleaner your space is, the easier it will be to hone in on your day’s priorities.
You’ll find things faster, you’ll feel less chaotic, and it will open you up to focus on the things you really need to.
Okay boo thang, that concludes this blog post on how to create the perfect self care morning routine!
To recap:
- A morning self care routine is important because it gives you structure and prevents burnout.
- To create a self care routine you can stick to, make your routine reasonable and attainable, fill it with things you enjoy, and don’t be afraid to re-adjust if something isn’t working for you.
- When you’re short on time, pick a 5 minute self care idea that you know will make your whole day better (like meditation or a quick journal session).
- Create your morning self care routine with something from each category: physical health, emotional health, and mental health.
That’s all for now, lovely!
If this blog post taught you something, inspired you, or made you smile, please share it! Every share is deeply appreciated by this one-woman show 🙂