There’s no getting around it, folks. 2020 was the Nemesis of New Year Goals and Resolutions for the majority of the world. Our beach bods suffered when the gyms closed, and we snacked a good portion of the day to keep away boredom. Plus, fighting off Coach Potato Syndrome was a struggle when we were told to LITERALLY STAY AT HOME. If you struggled with your health and fitness journey in 2020, or if you CRUSHED your goals and are just looking for some extra tips for a healthier lifestyle, I’ve got you covered. Here are 21 simple, actionable tips for a healthy lifestyle you can take every day for a healthier you in 2021.
What exactly does a healthy lifestyle mean?
Odds are, most people’s healthy lifestyles will differ from others. A lot of it depends on your goals.
Are you starting a healthy lifestyle for the purpose of losing weight? Do you want to put on more weight or muscle? Or maybe your healthy lifestyle goal is to cut out toxic ingredients and switch to all organic food. These are all valid examples of healthy lifestyle goals.
In a nutshell, I would describe a healthy lifestyle as a way of living that nourishes and supports a healthy body, a healthy mind, and a healthy soul.
Tips for a healthy lifestyle you can maintain
Making changes toward a healthier lifestyle can be challenging. I should know. I’ve been slowly making healthy changes for the past 2 years, but I’m still soooo far from being the perfect, green organic yoga chick.
Distractions, temptations, and general life challenges can cause you to stumble back into unhealthy habits.
Here are my tips for a healthy lifestyle you can maintain:
- Make small, realistic goals to start with. “This month, I’m not going to drink soda.” versus “This month, I’m not going to eat or drink anything with sugar in it.”
- Do it with a buddy. Accountability is super helpful when making changes that are hard.
- Get your mind right. Don’t do it to punish yourself or because you hate your body. Those changes never stick around. Make the decision to have a healthy life because you love yourself and your body and you know you deserve the best.
- Keep a journal to track your progress. This doesn’t necessarily have to be writing down your weight every week. Try making notes of what your body is capable of. For example: January 1: I can do 5 push ups… March 1: I can do 15 push ups! Sometimes, you don’t realize how much you’ve changed until you look back at how you used to be.
Why bother with creating a healthier lifestyle?
Having a healthy lifestyle is an amazing way to be the best version of yourself. When you follow healthy habits daily, it changes everything. It changes the way you look, the way you feel, the way you think… It even has the potential to change the way you behave.
Think about it like this: If you’re in the habit of getting 8 hours of sleep every night, and waking up with enough time to do your morning routine, your stress levels are going to be way down. You’ll probably be less snappy at the people around you, and be in a better mood throughout the day.
In comparison, being in the unhealthy habit of staying up past midnight, oversleeping and being in a rush to get to work in the morning can cause you to behave irrationally, with little patience, and be irritable all day.
Taking care of your body and your mental health can literally change your entire life. You just have to make the decision to start those changes.
Now that I’ve hopefully answered some of your questions, let’s dive into my tips for a healthy lifestyle and a healthier YOU in 2021!
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor am I a health professional. These tips are what I strive for in my own personal life, and I am sharing them in the hopes of helping others (you) just starting your health journey. Please read my disclaimer for more information.
This post contains affiliate links. This doesn’t cost you anything, but I may make a commission payment from anything you buy through these links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at NO extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.
Want 20% off your first order from my favorite clean nutrition brands? Naked Nutrition supplements are clean and made with minimal ingredients– no artificial flavors, additives, or fillers! Take the quiz to find out which products are best for your health goals and get 20% off your first order.
A few of my favorite (healthy) things:
These are my favorite snacks and food that are muuuuch cleaner alternatives to my guilty pleasures. If you’re lookin’ for your fix, but trying to keep it healthy, I got you. These items are all delicious treats that are Sav-used and approved! (Keep in mind–these aren’t necessarily for weight loss! Just healthy versions of my faves.)

Love CoffeeMate? Try: Laird Superfood Coffee Creamer
- Also available at LairdSuperfood.com
Love cereal? Try: MagicSpoon
- High protein, low carb, keto-friendly
Love brownies? Try: Base Culture Brownie (paleo) or Kodiak Cakes Chocolate Fudge Brownie (protein)
- Try Base Culture at your local Sprouts or Wholefoods, and try Kodiak Cakes at your local Target or grocery store!
Love Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups? Try: Theo Chocolate Organic Peanut Butter Cups
- Try at your local Sprouts or Wholefoods!
Love pancakes? Try: Kodiak cakes (protein packed) or Birch Benders (options for protein, gluten free, keto, and paleo)
- Try at your local grocery store!
- Favorite Kodiak cakes flavors: Cinnamon Oat, Chocolate Chip, Crunchy Peanut Butter
Love energy drinks? Try: Runa Clean Energy (no fake sweeteners, 10 calories per can, clean energy)
- Try first at your local grocery stores! Target has them sometimes as well.
21 tips for a healthy lifestyle, body and mind:
1. Limit processed foods

Next year, try to avoid eating anything processed when possible. Processed foods tend to have a ton of sugar, saturated fats, additives, and sodium. Basically, you’ll end up eating way more of all of that stuff than you think, just from eating a single meal.
That includes limiting what you eat from fast food restaurants (unfortunately, even the “healthy options” at most fast food restaurants still contain loads of processed ingredients).
And yes, I used to eat at Taco Bell after my workouts, convinced it was acceptable because I dumped the “meat,” cheese, and lettuce out of my tortilla and into a bowl.
Still not an ideal health choice.
Try it: Try to avoid processed meats. That includes, bacon, hot dogs, and deli meats.
As a general rule, don’t buy food that is canned, frozen (I’m talking frozen pizza here, not frozen veggies), or baked. Of course, you can always do a bit of research before buying a specific product. This is just a good rule of thumb.
2. Switch to plant-based dairy

As much as I love milk (and trust me, I freaking love it), it does have some downsides. Milk contains a lot of sugar and calories. Dairy milk contains a protein that, when our body digests it, releases the hormone IGF-1. That particular hormone has been linked to acne breakouts. If you struggle with acne, like I did for years, cutting out dairy might be a solution.
Plant based dairy has few calories, more calcium, and is easier to digest.
Try it: Start ordering or making your lattes with a non-dairy alternative. Ask for almond milk, coconut milk, oat milk, or pea milk.
Suggestions for where to start:
- Lattes: Oat or coconut milk
- Drinking straight: Unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- Yogurt: Coconut milk
- Butter: Butter flavored coconut oil
- All non dairy options are great in smoothies 🙂
3. Get more sunlight
Getting more sunlight is one of my more simple tips for a healthy lifestyle. Simple, but effective. Sunlight improves your mood and provides you with vitamin D.
Try it: Make a goal for yourself. Spend a minimum of 30 minutes every day out in the sunlight. Throw open your windows! And please, don’t forget sunscreen. I’m not trying to turn y’all into little red lobsters : )
4. Watch your alcohol intake
If casual drinking became a habit for you this year, consider cutting back in 2021. Limit yourself to only drinking 3 nights a week, and only 1 glass each night.
Try it: If you’re feeling particularly like a savage, try a 1 month detox. Don’t drink any alcohol at all. It’s good to give your body a break from those toxins, sulfates and sulfites.
5. Get more movement

Another one of my tips for a healthy lifestyle that sound obvious, but sometimes you don’t notice just how long you’ve been sitting still. Maybe you work from home, and you’re stuck sitting at your desk for hours at a time. Unfortunately sitting still for too long can do significant damage to your health.
Some health concerns of sitting for long hours includes obesity, high blood pressure, and weight gain around your waist. Long periods of sitting, with no exercise, can even be linked to a higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer–according to this article.
But if you don’t have time for huge lifting sessions every day, don’t worry! Even 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes of moderate exercise can help counter those negative effects from sitting on your tush all day.
Try it: For those who sit for hours at a time for work: Set a timer on your phone. Take a 10 minute stretch break every 45 minutes. Use that time to take a walk around the block, or do 10 burpees or squats. Whatever movement floats your boat, just get your blood flowing again.
6. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
Even if you don’t consider yourself a “gym person,” that doesn’t mean you’re not an exercise person. There are so, so many different ways to get your body moving and grooving.
Try it: Do some sort of intense exercise 3 times a week. Run, do sprints, ride a bike, lift weights, do a HIIT workout, etc.
Get your heart rate up. Sweat a little. It’s not gross, it’s pretty. Sweat makes you pretty. And then you’ll have a nice musk to attract a mate. Or whatever.
7. Implement supplements into your daily routine

Creatine, collagen, protein, vitamins, multivitamins, probiotics, etc. (I’ve linked one of my favorite, clean supplement brands for ya!)
Whatever it is you’re not getting enough of, consider taking it in supplement form. Obviously, you might want to talk to your doctor about it first. But if you know you’re not getting enough nutrients or vitamins, it’s a good idea to add this step to your routine.
Collagen is my personal favorite supplement. It promotes healthy skin and hair, strong nails, strong joints and bones, and skin elasticity.
It’s also going to help you look, like, even prettier 😉
Try it: Consider taking supplements for vitamins, collagen, creatine, probiotics, protein, etc. They’re often sold as powders and pill capsules. Mix them into your morning or post-workout smoothie, or take them as a pill.
8. Get serious about your skincare

Taking care of your skin is super important. By your mid-20s, your skin may already start showing signs of aging. Fine lines, dark spots, crows feet, all that cute stuff. If you don’t already have a morning and evening skincare routine, start one now to make sure your skin is hydrated, nourished and protected.
The challenge lies in finding clean skincare products that aren’t full of harsh chemicals. I suggest sticking to clean brands that use natural, organic ingredients. Both Target and Sephora have specific sections where you can shop their “clean beauty” products.
Try it: Start with a simple, 5-step skincare routine. If you don’t know where to start, you can check out my posts on skincare listed below.
9. Practice breathing
Breathing correctly is super important for your health. Sure, breathing is great for the general sake of not dying, but it’s more than that.
By practicing correct breathing, you can help control your stress response and promote relaxation in your body.
Try it: Breathe through your nose. Your nose basically acts as a filter for the air before it reaches your lungs. Also, breathe deeply. You want to expand your stomach (diaphragm) for a deeper, fuller breath.
Don’t worry about not looking sexy when you puff out your stomach. Breathing correctly is sexy! Taking shallow breaths from your chest can cause extra tension in your body. And I don’t know about you, but the less stress I have, the sexier I feel.
10. Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full
When you’re trying to lose weight, it can be tempting to just starve yourself for a few hours (or more) when your body is telling you it’s hungry. If you are hungry, please EAT. It’s so much more unhealthy to refuse your body nutrients. If you’re worried about weight or already ate for your daily calories, eat something filling that isn’t high in calories.
Healthy fats are a good option here. Avocado, nuts, fish, or eggs are nutritious options that will ease your hunger.
On the other hand, don’t snack mindlessly or just because you’re bored. Only eat when you’re actually hungry.
When you’re eating a meal, get in the habit of stopping when you feel satisfied. Don’t overeat to the point where you feel sick afterwards.
Try it: There’s nothing wrong with saving leftovers.
11. Properly proportion your meals
Make sure your meals aren’t all carbs or all protein. Your body needs and craves balance. Get the proper proportion into your meals, and don’t just “wing it” by eating whatever is in your fridge. Your body will benefit from different types of nutrients.
According to Healthline “The acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (AMDR) are 45–65% of your daily calories from carbs, 20–35% from fats and 10–35% from protein.”
Keep in mind that this is for a general balanced diet, and is not related to weight loss.
Try it: If you’re a busy person (like most of us are) and you don’t have time to carefully create balanced meals every day, consider trying a meal prep service! My former housemate used Hello Fresh and she really enjoyed it. I always found her cooking up delicious, planned meals in our kitchen.
12. Journal

I had to include journaling in this list of tips for a healthy lifestyle because keeping a journal can benefit both your mental and physical health. A journal provides an outlet for your thoughts, which can help you process events, and release stress.
Try it: Write down anything that’s on your mind. Use it to plan your days, to write out your goals, or just to be in the moment with your thoughts and feelings.
You can also use a journal to keep track of your health and fitness goals. Write out what you want for your body (e.g. “I want to lose 10 pounds,” or “I want to squat 200 pounds”) and keep track of your progress.
This will help motivate you and keep you accountable, which will in turn help you actually reach your goals.
13. Read more
This tip is specific for your brain. Fiction, self-help, historical, business, science, religion, biographies. Read whatever interests you to keep your mind sharp and healthy.
Try it: Grab a coffee, go to your local library, pick out a book, and get to readin’. Expand your mind.
14. Learn to enjoy your coffee (or tea) without sugar

I don’t know about you, but sweet drinks are a huuuuge weakness for me. Mainly sweet lattes. Next year, make it a point to learn to enjoy your tea and coffee without sugar.
Try it: If you like sweet coffees, try ordering it half sweet next time. If you like sweet tea, try ordering it with stevia instead of sugar. It might take some getting used to, but you CAN get used to it. And actually learn to love it.
If I, a recovering Iced Caramel Machiatto with Extra Caramel addict, can actually love the taste of black coffee… SO CAN YOU.
Pro tip: Superfood Creamer: One of my best tips for a healthy lifestyle is to find healthy alternatives for your favorite things. If you’re like me and still love some kind of creamer in your coffee, try Laird Superfood Creamer. I discovered this brand about a year ago, and I re-order from them every time.
Their creamers never contain anything artificial, and are a plant-based blend of pure goodness. They come out with seasonal flavors as well! (I’m currently drinking the Chocolate Mint.) Dairy-free and gluten-free, this brand is my go-to now that I quit CoffeeMate.
My favorite part is that each one contains a full range of MCTs. MCTs are Medium-Chain Triglycerides or medium chain fatty acids. Basically, MCTs are going to be readily used by your body for energy, and minimally stored as fat.
For health-conscious people who love their coffee creamer, Laird is the brand you want.
15. Make sleep a priority
If you’re guilty of living off 6 hours of sleep or less, this one’s for you. As a college student, I got by on 5 hours of sleep most nights. That was super unhealthy and took a huge toll on my skin, my health, my immune system, and my mental health.
Try it: Make getting 7-9 hours of sleep a priority. Your body, mind, and overall mood will thank you.
If you have a hard time falling asleep, check out my post on 5 herbal teas to help you fall asleep.
Important note: One of my tips for a healthy lifestyle is to get enough sleep, but also to not get too much sleep. The National Sleep Foundation suggest sleeping between 7-9 hours for adults and young adults. (Of course, there are always other factors to consider, and that’s not a hard and fast rule).
16. Eat more superfoods

Superfoods are an amazing addition to your diet. They’re filled with nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins, while having lower calories. Adding them to your (already healthy, clean) diet will help with weight loss, a healthy complexion, strong hair and nails, and help your body fight free radicals. (Source: Medical News Today)
Try it: Some superfoods to include in your diet:
- Dark, leafy greens (kale, spinach, collard greens)
- Berries (acai berries, blackberries, goji berries)
- Fish (salmon, tuna, anchovies, trout)
- Nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans)
- Yogurt (Aim for “live cultures active” yogurts, and avoid flavored yogurts. They contain crazy amounts of sugar.)
- Olive oil
- Whole grains
17. Use natural deodorant
Using natural deodorants is another one of my simple tips for a healthy lifestyle. Non natural deodorants have been called into question in recent years.
To start with, some diseases such as Alzheimer’s and breast cancer have been linked to the aluminum compounds found in deodorants. That’s not to say deodorants cause cancer (because I’m not an expert in that area), but the studies are something to consider.
Diseases aside, non natural deodorant can actually cause your sweat to smell worse. They work by plugging up your pores and keeping sweat from rising to the surface of your skin, but that means your body can’t process and expel the bad bacteria.
Natural deodorant doesn’t clog your pores, and with extended use, can actually help reduce the stinkiness of your sweat.
Try it: Give natural deodorant a try! I’ll be honest. I tried a Tom’s natural deodorant years ago and hated it. I thought it just didn’t work for me. But as it turns out, I probably smelled so much because my body was detoxing. Oops.
So, there are a few things to note here.
- Different deodorants will work better/worse on different people. What works for your friend or co-worker might not work for you.
- Expect to smell worse at first. For about 2 weeks. It sounds crazy, yes, but you need to give your body time to push out all the toxins that have been blocked up from your old deodorant.
- Your diet has a lot to do with how you smell. If your sweat still smells horrible after those 2 weeks, check your diet. If it’s fast food, processed meats, lots of salt and sugar, etc. you’re not going to smell great. Do a detox and give natural deodorant another try.
Native deodorant is the natural brand I use every day! I love the scents, especially the “Jasmine and Cedar” I’m using right now. Their holiday scent “Spiced Chai” might be my very favorite, though.
18. Use sunscreen

This is really a message to myself. But also to you. It’s time to stop sleeping on sunscreen, y’all. There are sooo many different types of sunscreen that “not liking that oily feel” is officially not an excuse.
Sunscreen protects you from dark spots and early signs of aging, but it’s also super necessary to protect yourself from skin cancer.
Try it: Sunscreen is usually the last step in your skincare routine.
This is the sunscreen I use every day, and I can say with 100% honesty I’ve NEVER had a sunscreen disappear so seamlessly into my skin. You won’t even be able to see it. It has the smoothing and matte consistency of a pore primer, so it’s perfect under makeup.
The EltaMD UV Clear Moisturizing Facial Sunscreen is great for sensitive or acne prone skin. It contains hyaluronic acid (highly moisturizing) and lactic acid (great for fighting breakouts). It’s lightweight and oil free.
For oily skin, the Anthelios Clear Skin Dry Touch Sunscreen is an affordable and effective choice. It’s oil-free and clinically proven to reduce oily appearances by 46%…. EVEN IN HEAT AND HUMIDITY. Godsend.
19. Shop organic
Going organic can help limit your body’s exposure to chemicals, like pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Plus, organic foods tend to hold more nutritional.
Why eat chemically-washed and preserved foods that don’t hold all their vitamins and minerals, when you could buy chemical-free, nutritional food? In my opinion, the small price difference is well worth the health benefits of eating organic.
That said, you can use the Environmental Working Group (EWG)’s list of Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen to help you decide which produce is worth buying organically (Dirty Dozen) and which don’t have much more pesticides when commercially produced. This can help you save some money if you’re on a budget but want to eat organically.
Try it: Avoid consuming chemicals by shopping for organically grown foods.
Buy these products organic, as they contain the most pesticides, according to the EWG.
Dirty Dozen:
- Strawberries
- Spinach
- Kale
- Nectarines
- Apples
- Grapes
- Peaches
- Cherries
- Pears
- Tomatoes
- Celery
- Potatoes
- (Also Hot Peppers)
The following produce is farmed more cleanly, organic or not. So if you’re on a budget, you can consider not buying these organically.
Clean Fifteen:
- Avocados
- Sweet Corn
- Pineapple
- Onions
- Papaya
- Frozen Sweet Peas
- Eggplant
- Asparagus
- Cauliflower
- Cantaloupe
- Broccoli
- Mushrooms
- Cabbage
- Honeydew Melon
- Kiwi
20. Don’t consume “diet,” “no-sugar” fake stuff

Companies prey on people pursuing a healthy lifestyle by marketing their “No Sugar, 0 calories!” products as being healthy. When actually, “Diet” drinks and “no sugar” drinks are often full of stuff that’s even worse for you than just eating or drinking sugar.
Try it: Look for products that are sweetened with natural sweeteners that don’t spike your blood sugar level. Sweeteners like stevia and monk fruit are great options for the health conscious (such as yourself).
Keep an eye out to avoid artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin.
21. Learn to manage your stress
This is less straightforward than “exercise 3 times a week,” or “eat more vegetables.” But it needs saying. 2020 has been so stressful for so many people. And if you haven’t been managing your stress properly, now’s the time to do it.
The more you stress, the more you break down your immune system. That means you risk getting sick easier, hair loss, acne breakouts, and larger dangers like high blood pressure or heart attack.
Try it: Everyone manages stress differently, so you’ll have to figure out what works best for you. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Learn to meditate
- Try yoga
- Transform your environment (clean the clutter, light candles, etc.)
- Journal
- Work out
- Do breathing exercises
- Try an adult coloring book
- Lock yourself in a room (even your bathroom will do), and drink a strong cup of Kava tea.
For me personally, I go with the last 2 options. A workout does wonders to clear my mind and make me tired enough to calm down. I also drink Kava tea just about every night to help ease my stress, or just help me relax.
The takeaway: final tips for starting a healthy lifestyle
- What you drink matters just as much as what you eat.
- Just because a package or product says “low sugar” or “low calorie,” or a similar promise, doesn’t mean it’s healthy.
- Read the ingredients. Avoid artificial sweeteners.
- Health is more than calories.
- Don’t drink your meals.
- Get your sleep.
- Shop organic.
- Take care of your skin.
- The more whole foods you eat, the better.
You’ve got this!
Those are my top tips for a healthy lifestyle! I know that’s a lot, but remember. Take it one day at a time. Make each change gradually. Having and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a growing process.
Don’t let yourself get so overwhelmed that you give up before really giving yourself a chance. You’re the only one who can do this FOR YOU. Remember, these are guidelines. If you want to start a healthy lifestyle that stays with you past the first 30 days of January 2021, you have to embrace the journey.
Hold yourself accountable, be firm with yourself, but don’t beat yourself up when you’re not perfect either. Remember. A healthy lifestyle is a choice of self love.
If you enjoyed these Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle, I would love for you to share this post!
Love always wins (and that includes loving yourself).
Til next time, you hot tamales,