Are you ready for a health and wellness reset? I know it can be hard to stay consistent on your health journey, whether you’re trying to lose/gain weight, put on more muscle, or simply maintain a healthy body and mind. So, if you’re looking for a simple yet fun way to get back on track and start treating your body right, you’re in the right place. This 30 Day Wellness Challenge will give you a month’s worth of ideas to slowly but surely start implementing healthier habits into your daily life.
Remember–wellness isn’t just about being fit or losing weight. It’s so much more than that! It’s about the well-being of your body and mind.
‘Cause seriously, what’s the point in having abs if deep down you feel emotionally exhausted and mentally checked out of your life? I’d rather be full of joy and be huggably soft (which is exactly what I am right now haha), than have an Instagram model’s body and feel mentally burnt out.
So, let’s get started on this 30 day wellness challenge to ease you into a healthier lifestyle!
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Why take this challenge?
This challenge has the potential to spark a major change in your life. After saying time and time again that you’re going to “do things differently,” you’re finally going to do it!! That’s truly so amazing and you should be proud of yourself for taking this step.
After taking this challenge, you will…
- feel healthier and lighter
- have more energy
- feel less stressed
- be equipped with healthy daily habits you can immediately add to your routine
- feel more confident
- have a more balanced routine for health and fitness
Who is this 30 day wellness challenge for?
This challenge is for anyone who needs to hit reset on their health or fitness goals. We all get off track sometimes, even the Insta fitness models. So what does a mentally strong and healthy person do when they get off track?
- They don’t panic, punish themselves, starve themselves, or self-hate.
- They DO understand that it happens to everyone, and it doesn’t make or break their fitness journey.
- Then, they saddle up and get back on the horse, moving forward without guilt or shame over being less than perfect.
So, this challenge is for you if:
- You’ve never really had many healthy habits and you’re new to a healthy lifestyle.
- Or, you usually try to be pretty healthy but for the past weeks or months you’ve gotten lazy with your eating and exercising habits.
- And it’s even for you if you’re pretty healthy overall, but want a little extra push to get to where you want to be.
Is this sounding like you? If it is, then welcome, girlfriend! I’m hyped to have you here 🙂
And if it kinda sorta sounds like you, but you’re not convinced, then keep reading anyway. It’s a free blog post and whether you’re ready to dive all in or not, you can still find some great stuff here. And I’m just as happy to have you 🙂
How to use this challenge
This post has 30 days worth of wellness ideas to challenge your lifestyle. Use this challenge to introduce small and manageable healthy habits into your life, one step at a time. But that doesn’t mean you need to do these things one day only and then move on!
Try to implement each of these daily activities into your everyday lifestyle. But don’t be disappointed in yourself if you can’t make all of these healthy decisions into habits overnight.
In fact, don’t even expect to somehow adopt all of these habits right off the bat.
Developing habits takes time, especially when they require self discipline and they’re not in your nature. Be patient with yourself and hold yourself accountable.
You’ve got this!
P.S. You can start this challenge on any day you want. It doesn’t have to be the first of the month and it doesn’t have to be a Monday. You’re in charge here, so go get after it!

Grab my easy-to-use
habit tracker printables
Tired of failing to follow through with the promises you’ve made to yourself for the millionth time?
Yeah, so was I. So, I stopped thinking about how I was going to change, and started actively planning and tracking the habits I needed to change my life.
Head to my Etsy shop to buy my Neutral Habit Tracker Printable bundle to start tracking your habits and taking back control of your life.
30 Day Wellness Challenge & Healthy Lifestyle Tips
Day 1: Drink more water
According to this article, an adequate daily fluid intake for women is about 2.7 liters of water.
So, since that’s a fudge ton of water, get yourself a giant water bottle, preferably a cute one that you actually like to carry around with you all day. Then, just fill it up as you need throughout the day and keep drinking!
And if you’re like me and you have a hard time forcing yourself to drink water, you can always add something fun to make it more enjoyable.
Throw in some fresh rosemary, mint, or frozen or fresh fruit to make the water taste less like… water.
Pro tip: Start the day with a giant glass of water with lemon before even touching your breakfast or morning coffee. The water will help jumpstart your metabolism!!
Day 2: Majorly up your intake of veggies

It’s time, friend. It’s time to start eating more ✨vegetables✨.
Eating a big variety of vegetables (and fruits!) is amazing for your gut health. Not only that, but vegetables help fight inflammation, reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease, help you get that glowing skin you’ve been longing for, and helps keep your immune system strong overall.
And what’s even crazier is eating vegetables is good for your brain health. Like, eating vegetables helps your brain stay young and decreases your risk of Alzheimer’s.
It’s specifically good to add, dark leafy greens like kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens and broccoli. All of those greens are superfoods and are therefore chalk full of antioxidants.
Now, there are a few delicious ways to add more veggies to your lifestyle.
Method 1: Regularly eat a big, dark leafy green salad. Add walnuts, cranberries, etc. to make it taste good. This is always a good, healthy option overall, but the downside to this is that it’s very difficult to actually get a full dose of veggies.
Method 2: Throw some kale and spinach into a delicious smoothie. (To mask the taste of the greens, I find that adding ½ a banana is the best option. Banana basically overcomes any other flavor.)
Method 3: Finally, you can take a greens supplement to make sure you hit your daily veggie goal.
Athletic Greens or Naked Nutrition Greens are both good options.
I’ve used Naked Nutrition greens mix before, and while I truthfully wasn’t fond of the flavor unless I mixed it with tart cherry juice or added it to a smoothie, I did enjoy knowing I was getting a full day’s dose of green veggies.
Athletic Greens, on the other hand, I’ve heard is delicious as is.
Day 3: Increase your protein intake
If you live an active lifestyle, you’re probably not getting enough protein in your diet. Especially if you lift weights and try to put on muscle.
And even if you aren’t crazy active, adding extra protein is a simple way to feel full faster. It’s a fabulously effective way to cut back on other foods, while helping your muscles grow.
Generally speaking, people tend to overeat on carbs and fats, and under-eat protein.
So, for Day 3 of this 30 Day Wellness Challenge, eat more protein-rich foods. Food like eggs, chicken, fish and shellfish, turkey, and lean beef are perfect.
Of course if you’re vegan, you can get more protein in by eating lentils, chickpeas, oats and almonds.
You can also get more protein in your diet by making healthy swaps for popular food items.
For example, instead of buying regular pasta, opt for protein heavy pasta alternatives, like Banza chickpea pasta. Banza pasta has twice the amount of protein, 3x the amount of fiber, and only ½ the net carbs of traditional pasta.
Plus, it’s so delicious you won’t even miss your regular noodles.
Day 4: Cut out fast food
This simple change is one of the easiest and most beneficial ways to cut down on calories, saturated fats, sugars, and preservatives in your diet.
By cutting out fast food from your diet completely, you’ll probably even lose a few pounds naturally.
While it’s fine to have fast food now and then, by cutting it out altogether you’ll be much less likely to crave it.
And the less you crave it, the happier you’ll be to be eating clean, whole foods.
Day 5: Set health and fitness goals for yourself

Setting goals is HUGE for personal development! Otherwise, how are you going to see where you’re flourishing and where you’re struggling?
Write down your health or fitness goals for yourself so you can remember what you’re aiming for.
Your goal doesn’t have to be related to weight loss, or your time in the gym, it just has to reflect what you truly want for yourself.
But writing it down is the key.
You’ve probably heard this statistic before (maybe even from moi), but here it is again: You are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down.
A good tactic here is not to write down something vague, like, “My goal is to be fit.”
Instead, make your goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely).
So instead of, “My goal is to lose weight,” you’d write, “My goal is to lose x pounds by x date by staying in a healthy calorie deficit (x calories per day) and exercising x amount of times per week.”
And instead of, “My goal is to be a runner,” you’d write, “My goal is to be prepared to run a 5k by x date by running x miles every day.”
Make sure the goal is something realistic, otherwise you may end up feeling defeated before you truly even begin.
Day 6: Cut out processed sugars
Ok, don’t freak out about this one! I have a sweet tooth, too, and while I eat/drink wayyy less sugar than I used to, I still enjoy my treats (big time).
But the health benefits of cutting down on sugar are so great, it might be one of the biggest game changers for you in this 30 day wellness challenge.
When you reduce your sugar consumption:
- your energy increases
- you’ll have clearer skin
- it helps you prevent obesity
- it reduces inflammation
- and it prevents mood shifts
To help you avoid those sweet tooth cravings, there are a few things you can do.
- Add more flavor and spices to your meals
- Munch on craving-killers like dark chocolate (82% or higher)
- Or, find healthier alternatives to your favorite treats.
Lilly’s chocolates are sweetened with stevia and contain less sugar, so they’re a great healthy swap. You can also try my personal favorite healthy candy brand (their dark chocolate covered peanuts are money).
And no, they’re not healthy like eating a bowl of vegetables is healthy, but they’re certainly a much cleaner and healthier alternative to regular, artificially flavored and sweetened candy.
Day 7: Take care of your sore muscles
Once you start working out regularly, that constant feeling of soreness tends to fade.
I used to think that if I wasn’t sore, that must mean I didn’t work out hard enough. Fortunately, that’s not true. It just means your body is getting used to exercising its muscles.
However, you’ll still be sore from time to time, especially if you change up your workouts a lot.
A few of my favorite ways to ease sore muscles and tension are to:
- Work out the tension in your muscles with a foam roller. It’s particularly important to use a foam roller before and after your workout.
- Use a theragun. We have one at the house, and I use it on my boyfriend at least once a week. It’s amazing for helping your muscles recover faster and easing tension.
- Go get a massage. Seriously, I know it can get expensive, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do to take care of your body. If you can’t afford a regular massage, just get one once a month if you can.
Of course, stretching is also important. And if you feel too sore to move, the best way to kill the soreness is to do a light workout that gets your muscles warm. Then, do some stretches after.
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Day 8: Get 8 hours of sleep
My favorite part of living a healthy lifestyle is pushing myself to actually sleep 8 hours every night.
So if you’re like me and you tend to stay up too late at night, now’s the time to try something new. And even if you do continue to go to sleep late, make sure you’re sleeping in enough to get 8 hours of rest.
Getting plenty of sleep is crucial to this 30 day wellness and healthy habits challenge, because:
- You allow your body to recover fully while you sleep
- It’s easier to lose weight (you can be in a calorie deficit, work out, and still not lose weight if you’re not sleeping enough!)
- You’ll be in a better mood
- Getting enough sleep boosts productivity and fights depression
Go get that glow up, girl, and get the heck to sleep!
Day 9: Meditate
I’ll be honest and say I don’t meditate nearly as often as I should. But trust me when I say it’s worth the initial discomfort of not knowing exactly what you’re doing.
Meditation helps you center your focus, find clarity in your thoughts and emotions, decreases stress, and improves your health.
Yeah. Allll of that, just to sit still and breathe deeply.
Crazy, huh?
If you’re not sure where to start, keep it simple.
Sit on the floor or in a chair in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Breathe in slowly through your nose for 8 counts, hold your breath for 8 counts, then slowly release over 8 counts.
And when your thoughts start to wander, just gently nudge them back to your breathing.
For even more meditation help and guided meditations, check out the app Calm. I’ve used this app in the past and it really does help ease stress and help you feel more at peace.
Day 10: Give yourself a spa day

It’s time to get your relax on, boo!
A big part of living a healthy lifestyle is learning to unwind and release stress.
Draw yourself a nice, warm bath. Pull out the candles, the bath bombs, the epsom salts, and find a good playlist for background music.
You can make it a classic spa day and sip on chilled cucumber water while listening to relaxation music.
Or, you can swap the cucumber water for wine, and the relaxation music for your favorite show.
(I’ve always found Gossip Girl to be a fabulous bath show. There’s something so relaxing about watching beautiful people create chaos in their lives while carrying designer purses and drinking champagne.)
Whichever way you go, pull out all the stops. Remember that wellness isn’t just about exercise, green juice, and personal development.
It’s also about listening to your emotional and physical needs, and giving your body rest when you need it.
Day 11: Make time to deal with whatever has been stressing you out
Okay, spill it. What’s been buggin’ you?
For me, it’s usually a messy bedroom. Or not handling a financial situation that I know needs to be handled.
It’s never healthy to leave these things so long that they become an issue of stress for you.
Today, prioritize whatever task it is that’s been causing you anxiety. Putting off important tasks just ends up in those tasks haunting you as you go about your week.
So do yourself a favor and go handle your business. You’re not enjoying your time when you have that task eating away at you!
Ease that stress. It might be a pain to do, but you’ll feel so much better knowing it’s taken care of.
Day 12: Ditch the negative self talk
Be patient with yourself today, you beautiful butterfly!
Having negative thoughts about yourself is totally normal, so please don’t beat yourself up about having bad thoughts. Negative thoughts aren’t always horrible–they’re just your brain’s way to get you to work on or change something.
But as part of this 30 day wellness challenge, challenge yourself to change the narrative of your negative self talk. Regardless of mistakes, failure, or self-disapproval of yourself.
I know it’s hard sometimes to be kind to yourself, especially on bad days. But you can start small.
You don’t have to go from thinking negative thoughts like, “I hate my body” or “I just feel so ugly,” to forcibly positive thoughts like, “I’m the hottest person alive!”
There’s a lot of benefit to neutral thoughts.
So instead of faking positivity you don’t feel, shift your mental voice to neutral thoughts. Thoughts like, “I’m not satisfied with the way my body looks right now, but I’m working on myself day by day and choosing to not define my worth according to my looks.”
Neutral thinking is a healthy way to acknowledge insecurity or aspects of yourself you want to improve, while not giving it power over your emotions or self worth.
Social media is a great tool and, let’s be honest, it’s really fun to scroll through funny videos and memes to pass the time.
But like many things in life, social media has a downside to it. Spending time on social media can dampen your mood as you compare your appearance and life to others.
Influencers show their best sides, and it’s easy to find yourself wistfully thinking, “If only I looked like that…” Or other toxic, joy-stealing thoughts.
So for day 13 of this 30 day healthy habits challenge, don’t click on the social media apps. Turn off the notifications. Don’t give into the time-wasting, often life-sucking rabbit hole of scrolling.
Instead, do something that keeps you centered in reality.
Get coffee with a friend, call your mom, go kick butt during your workout, read a book, journal, do something artsy, take a walk and listen to a podcast, etc.
Do anything that feeds and nourishes your soul, and enjoy taking a break from all the digital noise.
Day 14: Take care of your skin by using non toxic products
It’s time to give your skin a glow up during this 30 day challenge! If you don’t already have a skincare routine, then there’s no better time than the present to create one.
It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate like a 10-step Korean skincare routine (although to me, that sounds fabulous). Make it a simple, yet enjoyable routine you know you can stick to every day.
And if you already have a skincare routine, then check your products to see if they’re toxic or non-toxic.
Many skincare products contain sketchy ingredients that can do anything from disrupt your hormones, to increase your chances of getting cancer, to simply irritating your skin.
If you want to know more about non-toxic skincare, you can read about my non-toxic skincare routine, or my top picks for affordable non-toxic skincare brands.
Day 15: Spend time outside today
Turn the screen off. I don’t care how good Bridgerton is. Turn it off, and get outside, you gorgeous creature. That sunlight’s gonna look goooood on you.
(Unless it’s raining… then, you’re gonna rock that sexy and rain-drenched look, like the scene from The Notebook.)
But in all seriousness, getting fresh air and being in nature is so good for your health and overall satisfaction with life.
Spend at least 20 minutes outside –in nature– every day to boost your health, and also to just feel happier about your existence. Obviously, if you can spend more than 20 minutes outside, that’s even better.
And don’t just go for a walk through town! Look for actual nature. Even if it’s a city botanical garden or a man-made lake with some trees around it, do what you can.
Spending time in nature is basically the most free therapy you can get.
Day 16: Read a book before bed

Switch off that phone, turn off Netflix, and pull out a book that makes you feel uplifted and happy.
Looking at a screen before bed reduces your body’s melatonin levels (your evening hormones) and makes it way harder to go to sleep.
But when you read a book before bed, you’re taking advantage of several benefits. Benefits of reading include:
- Reduced stress
- Improved sleep quality
- Increased empathy
- And increased creativity
Try reading for just 10-20 minutes before bed. Though that’s not a ton of time, it’s long enough to be effective for reducing stress.
Day 17: Listen to a motivational podcast
Putting on a good podcast can do wonders for your mental health. The right podcast will inspire you, motivate you, encourage you, make you laugh, teach you something, or challenge you.
And, they’re a great way to pass the time on your way to work or while you’re doing your chores.
Right now, my favorite go-to podcast is from Mark Manson, author of my favorite books The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*** and Everything is F***** (A Book About Hope).
Some of the best podcasts to listen to for mental and emotional health are:
Day 18: Choose a new superfood to incorporate into your diet
If you’re like me, you get kind of stuck in your usual meals and recipes. For example, I eat a ton of ground beef, broccoli, potatoes, eggs, and chickpea/red lentil pasta for my healthy foods.
All of those are good things, but there are so many other delicious and totally good-for-you foods out there!
Superfoods are one of the best things you can add to your diet. They’re full of nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants to boost your health, energy and even your mood. They include dark leafy greens, berries, legumes, nuts and seeds, kefir, and more.
So for Day 18 of this 30 Day Wellness Challenge, challenge yourself to add some new superfoods to your diet. If you need some ideas of popular superfoods to incorporate, you can try:
- Kale
- Spinach
- Swiss chard
- Blueberries
- Blackberries
- Strawberries
- Turmeric
- Sweet potato
- Legumes
- Green tea
- Lentils
- Walnuts
- Almonds
- Chia seeds
- Avocado
- Spirulina
- Eggs
- Kefir
- Yogurt
- Salmon
- Olive oil
- Garlic
- Mushrooms
Day 19: Track your calories
Okay, I know what you’re gonna say. “Isn’t tracking calories too restricting? Can’t it lead to obsessive behaviors like only letting yourself eat 7 blueberries for a snack? Isn’t intuitive eating better for you?”
And my personal answer is… kinda, but also kinda not.
Counting calories is simply a method to learn more about your eating habits and “get real” with yourself about how much you’re eating.
Just like money, tracking your calories is a tool that can be helpful or harmful to you depending on how you use it.
No, calorie counting isn’t meant to be something you continue forever and ever.
Yes, if you allow yourself to get too obsessed with tracking calories, it can harm your relationship with food. But it doesn’t have to go like that.
I think it’s important to track your calories for at least a week, just to get a feel of how much you’re really eating day by day. You may be surprised to see the results.
Personally, I was eating wayyyy more than I thought I was until I started tracking my calories.
Tracking calories is especially important if one of your goals for this 30 day wellness challenge is to lose or gain weight. Use a free app like FatSecret or MyFitnessPal to keep track.
Then, after tracking your calories for a week or two, you can shift to intuitive eating when you’re ready. At that point, you should have a better idea of how many calories you tend to consume.
(Side note: As you probably know, intuitive eating is basically eating when you’re hungry, and stopping when you’re full. It’s listening to your body’s needs and learning to trust that hunger.)
Day 20: Add some health benefits to your daily beverage

You already drink something every day, whether it’s water, coffee, tea, a smoothie, etc.
Today, elevate that drink with something healthy for your system!
Healthy girls love adding supplements to their regular routine. A good way to do that is to add collagen or protein powder to your smoothie, MCT oil to your coffee, ginger to your tea, or a powdered vitamin mix to your water.
For example, I love adding this functional mushroom mix to my morning coffee because it boosts my energy and my focus more than a simple cup of coffee would. It’s also a lot healthier than most coffee creamers on the market.
And if you’re looking for even more delicious and healthy coffee creamers, you can check out this post.
Here are some of my other favorite supplements you can add to your diet:
- Protein: I love adding this cappuccino flavored protein to organic milk and drinking it after my workout.
- Collagen: I use this collagen from Naked Nutrition to strengthen my joints, and get healthier skin, nails and hair. I’ve found this brand to have the least amount of collagen flavor out of the other supplements I’ve tried.
- Electrolytes: I’m a big fan of most products Laird Superfoods comes out with, and this hydration blend with coconut water and aquamin is no exception. It has a mild, slightly sweet coconut water flavor, and packs in hydration benefits with trace minerals.
- Functional Mushrooms: My favorite morning coffee treat (besides a pumpkin foam cold brew), is a heaping scoop of Laird Superfood creamer with functional mushrooms added to my coffee. This blend of mushroom extracts supports cognitive function, focus, and offers stress support and additional energy.
Day 21: Make a healthy dessert
Let me tell you something, friend. Your girl loves herself some dessert. Seriously, I have a huge sweet tooth.
So for day 21 of this 30 day wellness challenge, it’s time to treat yourself. Hop onto Pinterest or Google and start searching for some bomb and health-conscious dessert recipes.
Whether your goal is to find something vegan, low-carb, low-calorie, zero sugar, or gluten-free, you can find so many amazing and healthy desserts to satisfy your cravings.
Remember, the goal of this healthy habits challenge is to create a sustainable lifestyle. You can’t make it sustainable if you cut yourself off from everything you enjoy–desserts included.
Day 22: Work on your flexibility
A wellness challenge is the perfect time to work on your flexibility.
When you lengthen your muscles and increase flexibility, you’ll experience less pain and tension in your body, you’ll be less likely to injure yourself, and you’ll improve your physical performance.
Find some good stretching or yoga videos on YouTube for free. No need to spend money on a stretching program or yoga course, unless of course you’re trying to become a master of flexibility.
Day 23: Don’t have any alcohol before bed
As a red wine lover, it deeply saddened me to discover that drinking even one glass before bed messes with your sleep quality.
Drinking before bed can cause you to wake up more frequently, have more nightmares, and snore more. All of which make for a less restful night’s sleep.
So if you want a drink, it should be at least 4 hours before you go to bed.
Now, that’s tough for some of us, but this is a wellness challenge after all 😉 If it was easy to be a healthy stud, everyone would be doin’ it.
Alternative evening drinks for relaxation
I did a whole post on the best teas to drink before bed, so you can check that out here if you have a hard time falling asleep at night.
And if you’re looking for something that feels more like a treat, I received a box of this mushroom hot cacao with reishi (which sounds weird, but I swear it’s so good) in my Kinder beauty box and fell in love.
The reishi mushroom helps support your ability to handle stress so you can unwind. It also just tastes really good.
Day 24: Do something active outside you enjoy
Exercise doesn’t have to involve lifting weights in a gym for an hour and a half, or running for 3 miles (unless, of course, that’s what makes you happy).
So instead of forcing yourself to do something you hate, simply go outside today and have fun with your exercise.
Go on a hike, take a long walk with your pupper, go swimming, get some friends together to play a game of soccer or ultimate frisbee–anything that gets your blood pumping.
Day 25: Have a mental health day

You’ve been putting in the work and creating habits of self-discipline to live a healthier life.
Now, it’s time to look inward and start prioritizing allll the things you’ve been letting slide.
Whether you need some alone time, or you’ve been working all week and just need to let loose and have some fun–it doesn’t matter. A mental health day looks very different from person to person.
For you, a mental health day might look like sleeping in, having a slow morning of coffee and journaling, and getting together with a friend to catch up.
Or, your mental health day could look like waking up early, going for a run, doing a full skincare routine without rushing, and flopping on the couch to watch Netflix.
You know what makes you feel recharged and what fills your spiritual cup. Today’s the day to do those things.
Day 26: Eat without distraction
I know it can feel boring to eat a meal without scrolling on your phone or watching TV.
But the downside to distracted eating is that it’s harder for your body to register that it’s full! So you can eat more and still feel hungry by the end of your meal, which leads to overeating.
So challenge yourself to put down your phone and enjoy every bite you take. Chew slowly, don’t rush through your meal.
Your body will better understand that it’s being fed and it’ll help you feel more satisfied and full longer.
Day 27: Learn to cook a new healthy meal off Pinterest
There are so many delicious meal recipes on Pinterest! It’s the perfect place to find a quick easy and easy meal that fits into your dietary preferences.
And the more delicious meals you know how to cook, the easier it’ll be for you to keep up with your fitness and health goals.
Day 28: Eat primarily whole foods
When you choose mainly whole foods in your diet, you give your body a ton of health benefits. Not to mention you’re avoiding a bunch of artificial, processed, and generally additive-filled products.
A good rule of thumb that you’ve probably heard before is to shop along the perimeters of the grocery store. That’s where the fresh fruits, veggies, dairy products, whole grains, and meats are stocked.
Everything in the center of the store, while not all bad per se, is usually much more processed and tends to contain more sugars and empty calories.
So for Day 28, we’re gonna eat only whole foods.
For example, my daily meals usually look like this (though not always!):
- Brekkie: Eggs and potato omelet
- Lunch: Burger patty and broccoli
- Dinner: Stir-fry of shaved beef, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and rice
- Snackies: Yogurt with protein powder and berries (okay FINE. and a glass of red wine with dinner occasionally 🙄 )
What accounts are you following on Instagram and other social media apps that aren’t serving you?
Sometimes, I follow an account that I think is going to inspire me to be healthier or look a certain way, and eventually…. Well, it just kind of becomes a downer for me because I compare myself too much.
Today, unfollow (or mute, if you prefer) any social media accounts that don’t bring you joy or motivation.
Life is hard enough! You don’t need to follow people who make you feel bad about yourself on top of it.
That’s not to say those accounts are doing anything wrong–this is all your personal preference. You know what makes you feel excited and motivated, versus what makes you feel like you’re not good enough.
Put your mental wellness first, and the rest of your wellness will follow.
Day 30: Only say yes to things that make you happy today

It’s wild to think about how often we agree to things we know we don’t want to do, or how much time we waste on things that don’t make us happy.
Now, I’m not talking about blowing off work or promises we’ve made. This isn’t a post to encourage you to neglect your responsibilities or cut off friends who have no idea they’re even bothering you.
It is, however, a call to focus your time and energy on things that make you happy. So for the final day of this month long wellness challenge, prioritize your emotional health by choosing the things that make you happy.
This might mean saying no to a friend who wants you to go out dancing until 1 a.m., when you really don’t want to.
Or, maybe it’s choosing to sit at the beach today and be alone with your thoughts, instead of going running ‘cause you’re really not feeling it.
The point is to add more things to your life that make you feel fulfilled and joyful, and to quit forcing yourself to do things that really don’t bring you happiness. (Again, within reason.)
Conclusion to the 30 Day Wellness Challenge
That brings us to the end of the 30 Day Wellness Challenge, friend!
How do you feel? Empowered? Excited? Hopefully you feel ready to make those healthy lifestyle changes you know are going to enrich your life.
And I never want to leave you high and dry, so if you need some extra help, you can check out my other blog posts for inspiration that are linked below.
And if you’ve got a specific question, you can literally email me ( or DM me on Insta! (@savduffy17). I try to always be around 💕
Remember, you are making change that lasts. And real change doesn’t usually happen overnight. So please, be patient with yourself and allow yourself to believe that you can do it.
You have all the power in your hands. You get to decide your future and who you want to be. Don’t forget that in the hard moments.
More to read…
- 30 Day Self Confidence Challenge
- 30 Day Glow Up Challenge
- 15 Powerful Tips to Overcome Your Negativity
- 21 Simple Tips to Live a Healthier Life
Sending you all my love and good vibes,